Okay, not dangerously surrounded, but there's about a 500 metre radius of dry land from where I am until everything just becomes water. You probably saw or read that parts of Australia are getting screwed over by floods; it just so happens I'm kind of stuck in the middle of. The river closest to me that is overflowing is supposed to reach it's peak height this afternoon (which is now I guess), but from the looks of things, there luckily won't be any water damage to the house I live in, or its inhabitants (such as myself!). Anyhoos, decreased activity (there might be power outages at any given time, etc.) will be due to this crappy flooding business which is annoying the hell outta me. Also, I had to eat cereal without milk this morning because we're surrounded by water, with that 500 metre radius, and there aren't any shops in said radius. They advertise over here that "nothing gets in between Coco Pops and milk"... unfortunately, this morning, something did get in between the pair; a huge puddle of water. I was tempted to just pour water over my Coco Pops and pretend it was milk, but I settled for eating 'em dry with a glass of water nearby just in case.
But yeah, don't worry, I'm still intact! And I should be intact for many years to come.
But yeah, don't worry, I'm still intact! And I should be intact for many years to come.