So, Playstation VR...


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It's apparently a thing, and it might be cheaper than the Occulus Rift. But what do you think of it?

Are you going to be buying Sony's Virtual Reality gadget and playing PS4 games in Virtual Reality?

Or are you more interested in other stuff instead?
Given that Sony is actually making a virtual reality system, I can see a lot of VR games start popping up for the PS4. If a lot of games start gaining support for the VR and games specifically for VR start getting released, I'd more than likely drop the cash to nab this bad boy. The more immersive the gaming experience, the better.
I won't bother with it, VR sounds nice but I think it will be another fad like the motion controllers. I hope....

Honestly, I don't think this is going to be a fad or at least it won't fade as quickly as the motion controllers did. Virtual Reality systems have been around for many years. They just haven't been given any attention. With the release of the Oculus Rift and PSVR, it appears that it's starting to get the attention it deserves.

I know when it comes to first-person shooters like Call of Duty, some people enjoy them and some don't. Imagine being able to actually get a first-person view, being able to get a three-sixty view without touching the controller. Virtual Reality, in my opinion, is the next step in gaming. Just shy of nerve gear, for the SAO fans out there. Sure, you still have to hit buttons to do things but you'll get a more immersive experience. That, again in my opinion, is what gaming is all about. Immersion. When I toss in Assassin's Creed, I don't just want to play a character jumping off of buildings, fighting hordes of enemies, working my way through the shadows. I want to actually be the person doing these amazing feats.

Personally, I'd like to see VR attention skyrocket and keep advancing. We have the technology to be able to create these seemingly three-dimensional worlds, why not use it?
If it is affordable and I can hold at least a few games I care to try that uses this, I will strongly consider to save up for one of them. VR have always picked my curiosity.

While I kind of want to wait until there are more games, I watched a video which made a good point regarding the developers also waiting for the device to sell more before programing for it, considering that it divides gamers between those who have it and those who don't, so if both sides keep just waiting for the other side to make a move, chances are this will collapse before it is given a proper chance.

I had no icea PS was developing its own VR, but this sounds like a good opportunity. I hope developers will make games for it instead of waiting first to see if it sells.
If the PSVR will allow support for current PS4 games I will make the purchase. If not I will wait a while for the reviews but I hope it does well.

I have very hi hopes in VR. I have the Rift pre ordered and a PC ready to run it.