so that rape joke at the E3 event

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I find it hard to believe that wasn't scripted.
This is absolutely disgusting. I'll never understand why some people are amused by rape jokes and I definitely don't get why anybody thought it was an appropriate time and place to make one. And I'm pretty sure that they won't even be sorry for it. I don't want to hear rape jokes when I'm listening to stuff about video games. I don't see why for some people this concept is so ridiculous. I play games for fun. Not to be reminded of sexual abuse and some guy's stupid opinions about women.
The youtube comments are appaling, too. Well, what did I expect, really... I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
@Newbie I understand your disgust, and I think it's a perfectly valid opinion. I think rape jokes kind of go hand in hand with gaming though, since competitions are about dominating someone. My friends and I have made them while playing games, but I appreciate dark humor, and of course don't condone rape in any way. That being said, I don't think that really people presenting a game should be doing them, and this wasn't funny either, just a few cliché lines. These people who are presenting games always seem like they're trying so hard to act like they're super into the game while awkwardly playing onstage, it comes off hokey to me anyway.
My friends and I have made them while playing games, but I appreciate dark humor
I appreciate dark humor too, trust me. But not everything that is "dark" or "edgy" is funny. Dark humor is even more difficult to pull off than normal humor. Also, just going "LOL he's so going to get raped" or "I totally raped him" is not even a joke. What was said at E3 is also hard to call a joke. Jokes are supposed to have a punchline. If somebody is entertained by the very idea of saying or hearing that their enemy is being "raped" they're either a teenage boy or very immature.
I've only heard a good rape joke once, literally. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was made by Stephen Colbert and I think that the reason it was good was because it was making fun of rapists, not rape victims.

These people who are presenting games always seem like they're trying so hard to act like they're super into the game while awkwardly playing onstage, it comes off hokey to me anyway.
Yeah, that, too.
I really don't think it was a "rape" joke. I don't think there was a script when they were playing the game and what was said was just awkward banter, I'm almost positive this guy didn't mean to imply rape when he was playing against her. 
Well, everyone has the right to say what they want but honestly I think rape jokes are vile. It's hard enough to be a gamer when you're a female, we don't need these kinds of things on top of all the harassment we already have to deal with. It's just rude and gross.
Khronic said:
I really don't think it was a "rape" joke. I don't think there was a script when they were playing the game and what was said was just awkward banter, I'm almost positive this guy didn't mean to imply rape when he was playing against her. 
I don't think we'll ever know what was really going through their minds, but their talk was just far too much of a rape like joke.
Khronic said:
I really don't think it was a "rape" joke. I don't think there was a script when they were playing the game and what was said was just awkward banter, I'm almost positive this guy didn't mean to imply rape when he was playing against her. 
I'm on board with Khronic. While Microsoft has been having a rough time with the press (and fans, and just about everyone else) lately, I can't see this as a purposeful attempt to make light of rape. "Just let it happen, it'll be over soon," could sound a little like a rape joke, but I think we need to keep reminding ourselves of the context in which this comment was made. It's two people gaming, nothing else. 
jmoore93 said:
I'm on board with Khronic. While Microsoft hwas had a rough time with the press (and fans, and just about everyone else) lately, I can't see this a purposeful attempt to make light of rape. "Just let it happen, it'll be over soon," could sound a little like a rape joke, but I think we need to keep reminding ourselves of the context in which this comment was made. It's two people gaming, nothing else. 
it was also followed up by other things like she says 'because you have a fight stick.' leads to other backing sex talk.
My god! You know I hate it when gamers use the word "rape" as if it truely has other meanings, when everyone and I mean everyone has the same thought when they hear someone say the word rape. It is not a word to be used whilst gaming or in jokes.

Having said that!.........

Demon_Skeith said:
it was also followed up by other things like she says 'because you have a fight stick.' leads to other backing sex talk.
Do you know what a fight stick is? If you don't then check this out:

The person that uploaded the video to Youtube is the person that has labelled this dialogue as a rape joke. Therefore it is their interpretation of the dialogue, and because of that and many like him/her then many have followed that interpretation.

If I had watched that video before I saw this thread, or I had watched it where there was no reference to it being a rape joke then I would not (honestly) have considered it a rape joke.

I honestly don't know what is worse, those that make genuine rape jokes in any situation including gaming, or those that label something as a rape joke because that is the only thing that comes to their mind and uses that to complain about something that may have been an honest bad choice of wording.

But it doesn't surprise me that many Microsoft haters are going jump on this bandwagon and cry RAPE!!!!
Meh, it was a little bit tasteless but really he didn't mean it in the fashion of actually raping someone. Sure, if you put his words in that context it makes sense but I feel it was just an attempt at funny banter and trash talk. He was really just teasing her and people who are outraged at this should focus on some more important. Like Russia's incredibly intolerant and hateful stance towards homophobia, for example. Now that is something that is disgusting, this is just a joke that can be interpreted poorly. 
GamerPerfection said:
My god! You know I hate it when gamers use the word "rape" as if it truely has other meanings, when everyone and I mean everyone has the same thought when they hear someone say the word rape. It is not a word to be used whilst gaming or in jokes.

Having said that!.........

Do you know what a fight stick is? If you don't then check this out:

The person that uploaded the video to Youtube is the person that has labelled this dialogue as a rape joke. Therefore it is their interpretation of the dialogue, and because of that and many like him/her then many have followed that interpretation.

If I had watched that video before I saw this thread, or I had watched it where there was no reference to it being a rape joke then I would not (honestly) have considered it a rape joke.

I honestly don't know what is worse, those that make genuine rape jokes in any situation including gaming, or those that label something as a rape joke because that is the only thing that comes to their mind and uses that to complain about something that may have been an honest bad choice of wording.

But it doesn't surprise me that many Microsoft haters are going jump on this bandwagon and cry RAPE!!!!
I watched the Xbox conference live on spike tv and the second they say this I was 'whats with the rape joke?'

And to your fight stick reply I'll just assume your pretty pure in mind but the way she said fight stick it was in a way referring whats between your legs as a man further implying the rape joke. This is why people are all over this and the guy may have labeled the video as such but it's his thought of many people have about this.
These game demos which take place in front of a huge crowd are always so awkward. The conversation is always fake and forced, desperately trying to show us how much fun they're having. 

This line wasn't well thought out. I didn't catch it originally (I was zoning out), but it easily could have been omitted. All of these moments are so heavily scripted, I'm surprised this made it through. At some point someone should have noticed that the risk wasn't worth the reward. 

That being said, I wish these people would just shut up and play the game. Unless you're talking about features, how the game handles or something else that actually adds value, I don't need to hear scripted banter or scripted trash talk. 
daenerys said:
@Newbie I understand your disgust, and I think it's a perfectly valid opinion. I think rape jokes kind of go hand in hand with gaming though, since competitions are about dominating someone. My friends and I have made them while playing games, but I appreciate dark humor, and of course don't condone rape in any way. That being said, I don't think that really people presenting a game should be doing them, and this wasn't funny either, just a few cliché lines. These people who are presenting games always seem like they're trying so hard to act like they're super into the game while awkwardly playing onstage, it comes off hokey to me anyway.
+1 on everything in this post. I get a chuckle due to it not being scripted; it's not like they intended the dialogue to sound that way.
Contextually it does come off as a rape joke; whether that was intentional or not is up for debate.

I'm fine with dark comedy and all, but the thing about rape jokes is that they are made at the expense of the victims, which only reinforces really negative ideas and stereotypes, essentially that rape is a joke in and of itself that no one takes seriously.

Daitai said:
The youtube comments are appaling, too. Well, what did I expect, really... I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Someday you'll learn to just avoid looking at the comments section on videos like these.  They tend to dissolve into a really gross cesspool.
Among my friends, we make rape jokes all the time and it's nothing. I guess it's just contextual. Talking like that during a public conference may seem inappropriate, but when you're in a room gaming with a friend you've known for years, even if she's a girl, she's not gonna drop the controller and go "OH YOU SICK PERVERT! We're here gaming and you're thinking about rape?!" Nuh-uh, just doesn't sound plausible.

That being said, I think some are sensitive because 'rape' is a gender-biased offence (you don't say), and some are really against degrading treatment of women and all, but yea if you want to link THAT to gaming...maybe you're too sensitive?
I didn't think anything of this to be honest.  I think the world is getting way to sensitive for it's own good.  From the thread title I though he might have actually said rape. 
I really doubt that the presenter meant it as a rape joke; the stress of presenting live can make you say things a bit awkwardly. The fact that she played off the joke I thought was a little distasteful, but meh... it's press event banter that was a bit off-color, but I believe to be mostly unintentional.  

It's interesting to see in the comments the differences in peoples attitudes to rape in relation to talking smack in games, though. I personally don't use it that often when gaming, but it's not out of the ordinary to hear it coming from a 12 year old on Call of Duty after he no-scope headshots you. And that is why I don't play COD anymore. 

Slightly related, as someone who played the original a TON, the new Killer Instinct looks fun.
I think that people's overreaction is what's really disgusting. Is it really even a "rape joke"? Even then, it's not as bad as most jokes made between players in the Fighting Game Community anyway. Sounds like people are being a buncha pussies over this little joke.
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