So, thoughts on Dream Team, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and other Mario games now?


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It's been month since they came out (March to June 2013 to be exact), so do you still think they're as awesome as they were then?
I don't have Dream Team yet... But I always go back to SM3dL and NSMB2 for platforming fun. I've beaten Luigi's Mansion 2 many, many, times. I love that game a lot. I still enjoy my Nintendo 3DS system.
I've never played any of them, but if LM2 is anywhere near as good as LM1 then I'd say yeah it still holds up, because that was a great game.
Dark Moon continues to be one of my favorite single player experiences if I feel like exploring in short chunks (Multiplayer has worn a little thin on me at the moment, but I still enjoy it), don't have Dream Team but still want it, 3D Land I've complained about enough already, Mario Kart 7 is still enjoyable and entertaining…I think I've covered the bases...
I haven't touched LM2, NSMB2, SM3DL, or PM:SS since I beat them. I mean I did play LM2 and I played it a few months ago, but it was multiplayer, which as fun as it is, it's glitchy.
I still like Super Mario 64 DS, I think I'll play it when I get home.
Let see...I haven't played Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon in a LONG time (maybe since November or October of 2013), I've gotten bored of that game already. New Super Mario Bros 2, I gave that to my sister (since she loves playing the NSB series, had the original one but it got lost somewhere and we don't where it is) so I don't play that game anymore. Paper Mario Sticker Star I still play occasionally. Mario Kart 7 I have played sometimes (still wish they had more characters and cups). Have Mario Kart 8, played that a lot. Super Mario 3D Land, haven't played that game in about a year.