So what hindered the Gamecube and Nintendo 64?


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A bit sales wise that didn't occur with the Wii, NES or SNES? Games? Marketing? Something else?
Maybe the introduction of the playstation and the popularity of its successor. They where new fresh and exciting and got new customers interested in their systems through their Sony name. I think they also got way more support because of that. Could have just been bad timing for Nintendo
The Playstation 2 is what really did it.It just sold better,just like the DS did with the PSP
I thought the PS2 was a good console,but not compared to the gamecube.The gamecube is my favorite console ever.
I must admit, I never had a Gamecube, but had a PS2. My most fondest memories as a child were playing my PS2.
I think it was really just the games, I mean sure, my favorite games were actually released on the Gamecube also, but I never liked it's controller.
I can't really say or assume why....... :/
If Paper Mario TTYD was a PS2 game, the PS2 would be your favourite console.
Not exactly,there I like Super Mario Sunshine,Pikmin 2,Zelda Wind Waker,and alot more.Those would outweigh my one favorite game.