Society bullies smart and talented people more then people who are average to below average?


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I find it kind of annoying when people say stuff like "smart people have "no lives" are wimps since they spend all their time sitting behind a computer screen, reading books, making money, or writing books."

Although, it might be true that "some" smart people spend a lot of times in a chair reading, writing, doing math problems, and doing stuff behind a computer screen. It does not mean they have "no lives" because they enjoy doing less social and active activities instead of always hanging out at a bar getting wasted with friends.

For example, a lot of people make fun of Steve Jobs(Apple), Bill Gates(MS), Mark Zuckerberg(Facebook) and other people who did something with their lives by calling successful people rude names.
I think it's mostly jealousy, honestly. People who aren't smart or successful feel threatened by people who are, and so they fall back on the only defence mechanism they have: hatred. It's not nice and it just makes them look even dumber than they already are, but it's what happens. :confused:

Also I think there's a heavy emphasis on being outgoing/athletic/popular in our society, and generally so-called nerds aren't considered to be any of those things. Part of being "popular" is to put down people that aren't, to sort of demonstrate one's "dominance" over others, so then that plays a lot into the "smart people are losers" thing.

Basically it's like The Breakfast Club, pre-bonding dance sequence. :whistling:
Because the average are the majority, they are scared that the minority (talented people) would beat them at some point. Basically they are seen as a threat for the average's existence.
And I think it has a lot to do with jealousy, really...
Well, in my opinion, it's because of the jealousy too.
Sometimes, it's just about feeling better by looking at people who are worse than themselves. Whatever it's pretty messed up and it's illegal.
There are some people that view smart people as "nerds". You have to be careful about bullying those "nerds" because that can come back to bite you in the butt one day. That person you've been calling a "nerd" might become your boss at a job you have one day or something like that. But I agree....just because a smart person enjoys all those things, that doesn't mean that they don't have a life. It just means, that that is what they enjoy.
I don't think it has to do with jealousy imo. I think it has more to do with them feeling disconnected to those locking themselves up. They share no bond, no feeling, nothing. That behavior is so foreign, alienated as to say that they want to push that unknown away. They don't comprehend why one would want to not interact like they do.
Just my 2 cents.