Some fun things to do on holoween


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I bestoed it opon myself to tell you some fun things to do on holoween.
You can actually scare kids (or yourself) enough that you make them pee themselves (for yourself it's kind of like a challenge which makes it fun)
At midnight you sneak in your parents roon and yell "TRICK OR TREAT"
Act as nyan cat and Just run across the streets looking like a boss playing it's theme song possibly making you on youtube and/or the news
Be dressed as an angry bird (either one works as long as you can imitate it) and have a friend and/or family member dressed as a green pig and chase them while they run like hell across the street

That's all I can think of. Please post more suggestions before holoween night so people can get ideas

Laugh at stuff that isn't funny. It can really piss some people off. I know this isn't Halloween related. That is why you wear stupid masks during the process.
Laugh at stuff that isn't funny. It can really piss some people off. I know this isn't Halloween related. That is why you wear stupid masks during the process.
Nice one dude! If this was youtube I would give a thumbs up to that!
Oh and p.s. If you want to see freaky stuff look in the spoiler bar in my sig. That way you could scare someone/yourself a little
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Whenever someone comes up your driveway and says ''Trick or Treat!'' say trick, then get up and chase them away.
Go around as many neighborhoods as you can and suck the living blood out of every human you see. And remember, young ones are the most healthiest.

You ARE given one Special Night to roam around freely in this world. Heh heh heh...

Other than that, Ding-Dong-Ditch people's houses.
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Egg houses. It's the most classic thing to do and it's so much fun.
I just thought of the worst thing possible.
"Trick or Treat!"
*gives treats*
"What? I said Trick"
"I know... the trick is that you thought I was going to trick you, but I tricked you by... not tricking you, because you got tricked, because you didn't expect me to give you treats£
"OK, do that again"
"Trick or Treat!"
*throws stuff at door*
"OMG! It's $500"
"Well you did say treat, right?"