Sonic Generations

Since the story is based on time holes capable of bringing both Classic and Modern Sonics together, they could have at least tied the time disruption with the Time Stones introduced in Sonic CD. That could have made the game/plot even more sweeter than it already is. I just love Sonic CD that much and would like to see more influence from the game which is pretty lacking nowadays.
why is it not coming for the 3ds or wii ??
fuck you sega
that sux... i still hope the 3Ds will bring some nicer graphics to the table once some of these PC engines will run on it like the Unreal Engine and the new Resident Evil Revelations Engine
Ugh, HD? @SEGA: No one who will actually see the value of this is going to care about graphics. Also, stop making storylines. If a game needs some mysterious happening, just say "The Chaos Emeralds did stuff."
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I disregard the Sonic Cycle. As a long time SEGA fan, I don't focus on the hype. I have plenty of other games to worry about until the next Sonic release and I play based on my verdict. I personally enjoyed Rush and Colors was an amazing game, not to mention the music was excellent with remixes for every act, e.g Sonic 3 & Knuckles. What I truly want is another Jet Set Radio, now that's a game to get started on SEGA.
Oh god yes, I would take back everything bad I've ever said about Sega if they made another Jet Set Radio game.
Seems fitting to post this...
