Sony Promises No Restrictions On Used PS4 Games


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Microsoft must be hating over this video :p

I love how Tretton pretty much laughed when he said “Sell it to another person, lend it to a friend or keep it forever”.
This must be why the conference started 15 mins late, they had to make this video :p
As if sony didn't already have a leg up on they just lifted their other leg and jumped up and down on any chances microsoft will have with the xbox1. 
I just love how they just burned Microsoft and just generally make fun of Microsoft in general.
Used games, don't need a internet connection, and then they throw that video in.

I love Sony.
Sony really did spent their good time to throw some jabs at the competition, and i think that will just help them get even better terrain in the console market.
The question is, how is Microsoft going to react to all of this?
This was great haha. Sony's time has finally come, it feels just like the good pol' PS2 days. Brings a tear of joy to my mind :). Most games I buy are used because I tend to only get games when they are a reasonable price, guess I'm just cheap..
I love this hahaha! A straight "in-your-face" to Microsoft. Sony's got a good sense of humour.
They have actually clarified that no matter what a game bough by someone regardless of the devs will not have DRM.  I was worried that there was some loophole enabling the devs to restrict.  This is a huge plus for Sony. 
Not only did Sony win E3, they also trolled the shit out of Microsoft.


I was already considering the PS4 anyway, due to Vita connectivity and Playstation Plus, so this is like the icing on the cake.
Thats nice & all but i dont get why people are all acting like this is the breakthrough of the century. Aint this what consoles have been doing for, I dont know, since the beginning of home gaming consoles? I guess people are just relieved because it was rumored that ps3 were going to put a lot of restrictions on used games & what-not. 
tinfoil said:
Thats nice & all but i dont get why people are all acting like this is the breakthrough of the century. Aint this what consoles have been doing for, I dont know, since the beginning of home gaming consoles? I guess people are just relieved because it was rumored that ps3 were going to put a lot of restrictions on used games & what-not. 
Clearly you have been living under a rock and heard nothing of Microsoft and Xbox ONE.
I appreciate what Sony is doing, but the whole always online thing with Microsoft isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be before they clarified things. I still think it's dumb, but it's mainly just an inconvenience rather than a huge hurdle.
Good and funny video. I remember reading that Sony would still be implementing some form of DRM, such as you can only trade the game to one other person? I may be mistaken but just a thought. But if you are able to trade the games with an unlimited amount of people then that would be amazing. Sony would surely have the upper hand as the PS3 would have a used game market and Microsoft would have a severely limited one or none at all. Hopefully with all the negative feedback surrounding Microsofts unveiling at E3, Microsoft will alter a few things about their console.