Star Ocean The Divine Force

Elena won best Star Ocean The Divine Force Waifu PLOT Poll by a lot lol:
game is on SE's best Sellers List nice:
Elena's Official character design sheet:
A bit spoiler-Y
Saw new Elena PLOT fanart:

what is your current Es'owa rank?

There's a beginner level opponent in Larcette, also in Eda and also in Cotto.
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there are also beginner opponents in Baldaar , parrapoeiam and in paladurnia

You need to battle apprentice level opponents to increase your rank.
there's one in delryk and in larcette and also in raythal.
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Game says I'm under leveled though.
If you rank is still beginner level then try beating different opponents with the same beginner level, that you haven't beaten before. slowly move your rank up from there.
If you rank is still beginner level then try beating different opponents with the same beginner level, that you haven't beaten before. slowly move your rank up from there.

Not seeing any though. Or is this one of those things you go to the end and then back track? This game seems to love back tracking...
Not seeing any though. Or is this one of those things you go to the end and then back track? This game seems to love back tracking...
yeah some backtracking. Just keep checking for Esowa players when you travel to a new place and when you backtrack.
super move Vetting
check the Vatting Gauge (a separate gauge, not the VA bar) under you character's HP bar, when it's full , Press R2 for super attack. Sort of Like FF7's Limit break.
check the Vatting Gauge (a separate gauge, not the VA bar) under you character's HP bar, when it's full , Press R2 for super attack. Sort of Like FF7's Limit break.

Yes, I'm aware. It's flashing at me, but never works. This game's programming is junk, give it another ten years and I won't be able to read any of the text on the screen lol.