Star Wars Kinect?


Queen of Games!
Full GL Member
I have played it on my friend's Xbox360 at that time, she's moved far away from me currently, so I've been out of touch with her for years. And you personally? Have you ever played it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not for you personally?
Thought about getting it as it is as close to a jedi as you can be. But I knew the kinect wouldn't last and was right.
This is the game with I'm Han Solo, which is either the best or worst thing I ever saw.
Otherwise, I always heard that this game wasn't very good.
I never jumped on the Kinect wagon, mostly due to being too poor to buy one, but I also did not picture it to do well. However, I would be curious to see a similar venture in today's market with VR so popular and an easy entry point to a "VR-Like" system. But the games need to be good.
I remember this game being available for the Kinect but it was never a game any of my family had an interest in so we passed on it.

I also remember the fact that the Kinect wasn't the greatest in terms of accuracy as well and that was another thing that put me off.
I never owned a Kinect and the last I played it the game was Just Dance at my uncle's. So I missed the train but I find it funny just watching gameplay because it's mostly a simulation of what you should be doing.
If there's a good market for it but it might take a few generations for the Kinect to come back. PSVR is most likely to happen if this game gets a sequel.