Other STAR WARS: New MANDALORIAN-Inspired FPS Reportedly In Development At Respawn


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Some potentially massive news for gamers and fans of the Galaxy far, Far Away here, as Star Wars Jedi and Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment is reportedly in the early stages of development on a first-person-shooter Mandalorian video game.

We don't know if it'll actually be based on The Mandalorian Disney+ series, but Insider Gaming is reporting that the title will "let players control a Mandalorian bounty hunter during a time when the Empire is dominating the galaxy."

We doubt it'll be Din Djarin under the helmet, but that doesn't mean the former bounty hunter turned father figure to Grogu won't make an appearance.

Details are sparse, but the story is said to follow the Mando protagonist as he captures bounties dead or alive for cash rewards.The game will reportedly be focused on “mobility” and “style” as guiding principles.

"The game’s high mobility has been made possible storytelling-wise thanks to the Mandalorian’s jetpack, which allows the player to perform horizontal dashing, vertical jumping, boost sliding (somewhat similar to sliding down hills in Apex Legends), and more. Sources described the game as very fast-pace, and as such will reward players who play in this style; for example, the player’s health will mainly regenerate based on successive kills. As to be expected, playing as a Mandalorian bounty hunter gives the player a wide variety of weapons and gadgets including a wrist rocket, grapple hook, a visor for tagging enemies and bounties, and more."
Hopefully it turns out well.
Can't wait to see what it looks like. Wonder how far away it is if they're still in early development

Some potentially massive news for gamers and fans of the Galaxy far, Far Away here, as Star Wars Jedi and Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment is reportedly in the early stages of development on a first-person-shooter Mandalorian video game.

We don't know if it'll actually be based on The Mandalorian Disney+ series, but Insider Gaming is reporting that the title will "let players control a Mandalorian bounty hunter during a time when the Empire is dominating the galaxy."

We doubt it'll be Din Djarin under the helmet, but that doesn't mean the former bounty hunter turned father figure to Grogu won't make an appearance.

Details are sparse, but the story is said to follow the Mando protagonist as he captures bounties dead or alive for cash rewards.The game will reportedly be focused on “mobility” and “style” as guiding principles.

"The game’s high mobility has been made possible storytelling-wise thanks to the Mandalorian’s jetpack, which allows the player to perform horizontal dashing, vertical jumping, boost sliding (somewhat similar to sliding down hills in Apex Legends), and more. Sources described the game as very fast-pace, and as such will reward players who play in this style; for example, the player’s health will mainly regenerate based on successive kills. As to be expected, playing as a Mandalorian bounty hunter gives the player a wide variety of weapons and gadgets including a wrist rocket, grapple hook, a visor for tagging enemies and bounties, and more." It's a great addition to all Star Wars games. If Mando was real, he would definitely like a place like FoggyStar Casino. Sure it's not stars in space, but you can find your star too.
This is going to be interesting. I liked the series, I watched it with great pleasure.

Can't wait to see what it looks like. Wonder how far away it is if they're still in early development
My guess is that it will take them 3-4 years.
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game is canceled.

Read from tweaktown:

EA is cutting costs, and is executing a restructuring plan that's led to mass layoffs and game cancellations. One of these cut projects is the rumored Mandalorian project from Respawn.

Despite Respawn's success with the Jedi franchise, EA has had a tumultuous history with Star Wars games. The publisher has cancelled multiple Star Wars games over the years, including Project Ragtag, an ensemble-based adventure game that was in development at Visceral Games before the project--and the studio--were shut down. Two more iterations of Star Wars games had also been cancelled.

Now EA has confirmed that this project has been cancelled.

"We have decided to pivot away from early development on a Star Wars FPS Action game to focus our efforts on new projects based on our owned brands while providing support for existing games," EA Entertainment president Laura Miele said in a recent update. On the same day, EA announced its second round of layoffs that would impact hundreds of workers.

"It's always hard to walk away from a project, and this decision is not a reflection of the team's talent, tenacity, or passion they have for the game."

New reports from Insider Gaming further detail what the Mandalorian FPS could have been. From the sound of it, it seems to be another Star Wars 1313 situation at least in terms of what could have been. Sources tell Insider Gaming that the Mando FPS wasn't close to being ready to launch and still needed a lot of work, however it did have a vertical slice, which is a featured gameplay demo that properly highlights the overall experience.
Can someone else please take over this project? EA being idiots as usual unfortunately