Star Wars: The Last Jedi


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So the movie is now out here in the states. Anyone see it? Plan to see it?
I pretty much just got home from watching it. It's soooooooooo good. Like, if you watched The Force Awakens, and didn't like it, I can say you'll like this one more. It's not as... cookie cutter. Of course, I also liked TFA.

This is a movie that I know I have to rewatch because so much happens that it's hard to retain it all.
I never liked but it seems its not bad at all.

So, I might give this a try

I hope I don't regret watching it
So I watched this today and.....

Honestly I found it a bit boring. I do recognize though its doing a lot of build up so I hope episode 9 will be very good.

I also see many points that people make, the most that of Luke not really being himself, I don't think he would ever flat out try and kill someone and not specially out of fear.
I have watched the first three movies or so.
So...that would be a no. I am not a fan of star wars
If you haven't watched some of the previous films, I wouldn't bother. Most things won't make sense and you'll just be bored.

Watched it a couple of days ago, it wasn't too bad but wasn't great either. Did anyone else feel that Yoda was really weird in this film for some reason?
If you haven't watched some of the previous films, I wouldn't bother. Most things won't make sense and you'll just be bored.

Watched it a couple of days ago, it wasn't too bad but wasn't great either. Did anyone else feel that Yoda was really weird in this film for some reason?
I mean, it looked like the old puppet Yoda from Empire and Return of the Jedi. Unless you mean his pyromaniac tendencies. In which case, I say no because that was awesome.
If you haven't watched some of the previous films, I wouldn't bother. Most things won't make sense and you'll just be bored.

Watched it a couple of days ago, it wasn't too bad but wasn't great either. Did anyone else feel that Yoda was really weird in this film for some reason?

weird how?