Strange Events


Full GL Member
Post strange phenomena, anomalies, or Just weird things here.
Stories such as The Boy in the Box or Vancouver feet.
This thread reminds me of my Creepypasta topic.

Want to hear something really scary?

As the rain poured down my window, I lied down in my cold bed, afraid to move a muscle. It was early in the morning, I had woken to the sound of thunder after a nightmare involving clowns and puppets, a reciepe for wetting your pants. I took a look outside to see how hard the rain was coming down, only to see the street light right in front of my house flickering. I admit, I was a little creeped out, but I knew my neighborhood, and the electricity was terrible, so I thought nothing of it until a little girl suddenly appeared under the flickering light, a teddy bear in her hand, water dripping down her long hair. Chills went down my spine, my eyes began to enlarge, and I wet my pants, AGAIN. The girl slowly lifted her head, and her intense red eyes glared directly into mine, when suddenly a flash of lightning ended the horror, the girl dissapearing without a trace. I didn't know what to think, I began to go into a panic, wondering if I was really dreaming. I decided to pinch myself a few times, only to end up with some rather hurtful marks. I wasn't dreaming. Just as I started to crawl under the covers once again, thinking that perhaps the best way to avoid a problem is to pretend it never happened, a knock came from the door. At first I decided it must've been the wind, but if so, this wind certinally had some beat to it. At last, their was a moment of silence. Then, I heard the footsteps from the hallway. I heard groans of a poor little girl, tormented and disturped. Sweat dripped down my forhead, and my eyes began to water, afraid of the events that may occur. I ran out of bed, my vision blured from the tears pouring out of my eyes, my mind rushing with the thoughts of the life I have had, and the life I was going to have. I locked the door, if I was going down, I wanted to go down fighting. From the other side of the door, I heard a silent moan, crying for help. "Lets play hide and go seek", the cold voice said. No, I wasn't prepared to play such a game, I mean, after all, the best hiding spot was clearly in the washing machine, which was in the basement, and I wasn't ready to go unlocking my door and running down the halls. I slowly backed away from the door, when I stepped on something fuzzy. I looked down, only to see the beady eyes of a teddy bear covered in blood looking straight at me, when suddenly

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