Suggestions for games for younger non-reading players


Well-Known Member
My son is almost four, and he's always trying to get his hands on our gaming setup. He has his own Gameboy and a good selection of games for it, but I'd also like to get him some stuff for the consoles.

Do you know of any games that would be playable by someone in that age range? He doesn't read at all yet, and any game that uses button combos won't work for him. Simple puzzles, straightforward and visible moment when you press a button, and catchy music are a must. I'd be happy with either current or retro title suggestions, and I'm not concerned about violence unless it's over-the-top/excessive.

We own a Wii, an Xbox 360, a PS3, an N64, an NES, a Playstation (1), a Dreamcast, and a Saturn.
Well first, for the NES, he could start with Super Mario Bros 1. The controls could not be any more basics and having only two buttons will be easier. Somewhere in the game, he could start to learn how to throw a fireball while jumping.

Paperboy would be nice too. It would teach him how to react and press the button at the right time with the flashing houses.
Any Mario game would be good (Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Mario Party, etc). For the text parts, maybe read it with him? There's usually very little and it is fairly simple language.
I can't believe I didn't think of Mario/Mario Kart before! I bet he'd get a serious kick out of Mario Kart.

Thanks for the help!