

I am but a wolf among sheep.
I've been WAY out of the loop on 3DS games for quite some time. And seeing how I've only ever had two games for mine since a year and a half of owning it, care to throw me some suggestions? RPG, action, sidescroller, 3D/2D, new, old, upcoming, anything at all?
Which games have you got?
All I have at the moment are The Legend of Zelda OoT 3D and Kingdom Hearts 3D, both of which I've completed quite some time ago. I'm not too picky on game genres, though, so fire away if you have anything.
Here are some suggestions: Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Super Mario 3D Land.
Also try Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, New Super Mario Bros 2, Crush3D, Fire Emblem Awakening.
Also try Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, New Super Mario Bros 2, Crush3D, Fire Emblem Awakening.

Otherwise known as: My 3DS collection.

... Minus Mario Kart 7, and Kid Icarus Uprising, and... okay, so, that's PART of my collection... when's the next Wario Ware coming out? Game and Wario did not satisfy as much, although the "Gamer" minigame was fun.

I'm off topic. Maybe I should contribute to the thread and actually SUGGEST something, huh?