Super Mario 3D World


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I played the game last night and it's good. I completed the first world and I'm surprised what Bowser had (not saying it so you'll be surprised when you reach there).

I'm not really a fan of collecting X amount of green stars to access the last Castle, but I don't mind it either. I honestly prefer the old way of doing things like with the Mario games from back in the day. They must have added it with the latest Mario games because people would beat them in "no time". 

Anyway, who else owns the game? What level-world are you at? 
FinalSmash said:
FinalSmash, on 13 Mar 2014 - 9:20 PM, said:
I don't have it, but I really really really want it.
After playing a little more, I can say that it's something you can skip. Or maybe I'm just getting tired of Mario games :/

Edited: But the boss battles are well-done, I must say.
It's amazingly fun.  I love the level design.

I'm currently playing with my Wife and Brother, we're almost done.  The last levels look stunning.

Definitely going down as a Wii U classic.
isn't this one just like the version for the 3DS? or is it totally different? They have the same name.