Swapnote RPG


Well-Known Member
I saw this video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YrDFhhh-MuQ#!

it's about a swapnote rpg, sounds like fun. I never played d&d before, but i would be willing to give it try.


I'm still working on this, fleshing out events. balancing the game.

I wrote this rather quickly at school. where we don't have spellingscheck so please forgive any mistakes.

Let me know what you guys think :)

Zombie swapnote:


Its the year 2013, and because of the outbreak more then 90% of the worlds population is infected.

The infected are commenly refered to as zombies, because while not dead, the do not feel any pain.

And try to eat human flesh where possible.


You and a group of survivors are in a abandoned house in the middle of the zombie apocalypse.

The game works as follow, each day you get presented 4 activities. Each player gets a vote.

the activity with the most votes will be done. The activity will present you with another set of choices.

Each player gets to vote again. and so fort. You win the game when you get rescued, or when all players die.

You start with a random amount of food, and each day each survivor will eat 4 food. If there isn't enough food all survivors get - 1hp.

If there isn't any food at all, all survivors get -2hp.

Some options allow you to ignore all the other votes. But every player will know that you ignored that vote.

Example scenario


When escaping from the warehouse, [player 3] got bitten.

[player 2] disarmed him, and the group has the following choices:

[A] Vote for killing player 3

vote for takeing him home, he doesn't have to be infected.

[C] Kill him, doesn't matter what the others vote.[cost 3 bullets]

You have day activities where you can choose what to do, and you have night events.

Night events are random, sometimes you will get zombies(and without bullets some of you can get infected).

Or nothing could happen at all.

Also the game will feature drawings representing the layout of the room you are in, and the options you can take.

Posible status effects.

Infected: each night you have 10% chance of becoming a zombie.

Sick: each night you lose 1hp unless you have medicine. after 2 medicine the sickness will be cured.

[game example]

One group of survivers barely escaped to an abonded house.

These are the survivors.

[Global Stats]

Food: 30.

Survivor 1:

Hp 5/5

Armor 0

Gun magnum.357 [attack 2]

Bullets 10

Survivor 2:

Hp 5/5

Armor 0

Gun magnum.357 [attack 2]

Bullets 10

The group has the following options:

[A] Search the local mall.

Search the hospital.

[C] Stay to fortify the house.
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on another 3ds site there is a thing called swapnote trivia league. it is similar tO this but if there is enough players i'll join.