Taking video game dedicated too far?


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A video game urinal (yes, cue toilet humour jokes), made mostly from awful third party and licensed games.

I have to give some credit though, it's more original than destroying them via fire or sledge hammer.
This just creeps me out o_O
"Aim at the one that you hate the most!"

It's cool, but sad. I'd never want to use any video game for that, regardless if they where good or bad, broken or not. Trade them in or throw them out, yes, but I wouldn't go to the extreme of letting one use ones waste on them in a public place. Especially a fully functional urinal. It'd feel disrespectful, a lot of time and effort went into making these games, regardless of their worth.
I'd like to build a urinal made solely of Uwe Boll films...
That must be an awfully expensive porta-potty.
I'd want to see one made of 360 games >
gonna be hard with 360 games... wont the pee go through the holes in the CDs
gonna be hard with 360 games... wont the pee go through the holes in the CDs
lol i meant the cases..but that works XD
Honestly, that doesn't seem sanitary.

I wouldn't trust a DIY project to make a waterproof seal that is good enough for this purpose. This would be horrendous to clean. Also, won't the clear spray come off eventually from various cleaning products and urine to make this look like a horrible mess?

Bleh, this kind of grosses me out.
Honestly, that doesn't seem sanitary.

I wouldn't trust a DIY project to make a waterproof seal that is good enough for this purpose. This would be horrendous to clean.
Urinals tend not to actually get cleaned, in keeping with the grand tradition public toilets everywhere. They get flushed, and have urinal blocks, and that's about it.