Teslas to Feature AMD Gaming PCs...


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I wonder if the Gaming PC would be more powerful than most Gaming laptops. I feel Tesla is adding a Gaming PC to their car to attract more rich tech savvy drivers to buy their more expensive cars.

A powerful Gaming PC in an Tesla electric car could be useful to use while your car is charging for many hours on a regular 110 Volt or less powerful power outlet.

This Gaming PC looks better than most touchscreen tablet computers found in most cars.
I wonder if there will be a very powerful version of Tesla AMD Gaming PC which is faster than most expensive Gaming Desktop PC tower computers and some Supercomputers.
Gaming PCs have no place in cars :p
Gaming PCs have no place in cars :p

I agree a Gaming PC is not needed for a car. Luxury car buyers may more likely buy a car with a Gaming PC because they can play games in the back seat while their hired driver is driving their car.

I feel electric car drivers who mainly use public electric car chargers may end up using a Gaming PC and a gamepad controller because they have to wait for their car to finish charging, or wait for someone to finish charging their car, so they can charge.
I wonder will people actually or will drive cars later years game on while you travel
I wonder will people actually or will drive cars later years game on while you travel

I feel there need to be self-driving car roads for only self-driving cars to drive at a safe slow speed before passengers can safely play games in a self-driving car while it is moving.

Mixing self-driving cars with cars driven by humans may not be very safe for now. Some people are not good drivers because they drive too fast, suddenly press on their car brake too fast, don't press their car's brakes hard enough to stop, don't pay attention while driving, and take dangerous risks like turning their steering wheel too fast/hard which causes their car to lose control, and crash into surrounding cars, the sidewalk, and buildings. There are also violent drivers with mental problems who sometimes use their car as a weapon to crash into other cars for an unknown reason, so riding in a self-driving car can be dangerous if the car does not know how to react to violent drivers who want to crash their car into a self-driving car.
I don't think it would be as efficient as any other device but who knows, maybe in future it may improve!

I think there is a chance Tesla AMD Gaming PC is not as efficient as other devices for now. But, a software update and hardware upgrade can improve the performance.

I would love to play games on Tesla Gaming PC if I ever get the chance to try it out in the future.
I think there is a chance Tesla AMD Gaming PC is not as efficient as other devices for now. But, a software update and hardware upgrade can improve the performance.

I would love to play games on Tesla Gaming PC if I ever get the chance to try it out in the future.
Yeah I've heard they are a beast!
I guess this is the future as more cars become self-driving. It will definitely make longer trips more bearable for passengers. It's going to be a huge distraction for drivers though until the cars actually can drive themselves.
I feel adding Gaming PCs and consoles to cars, buses and air planes can help passengers socialize with other passengers which they may not know very well, or don't know how to speak to because you don't speak their language like French, or the other passenger have hearing and speech problems which make it more difficult for them to communicate with most people.

Gaming PCs and consoles on trains, buses, and air planes may help with convincing people to buy more expensive tickets to ride on luxury seats on trains, buses, and air planes again after the Covid19 travel restrictions are less strict.
I guess this is the future as more cars become self-driving. It will definitely make longer trips more bearable for passengers. It's going to be a huge distraction for drivers though until the cars actually can drive themselves.

I think that is going to require a very delicate grid to be installed everywhere.
I think that is going to require a very delicate grid to be installed everywhere.

Do you mean the power grid?

I heard Tesla and other newer electric cars have enough battery life/range for average drivers to mostly charge at home without needing to charge at public electric chargers unless they drive a lot of miles per day.

There are more public electric car chargers, so chargers are found in more places,
Hmm, its nice addition to Tesla cars, but it shouldn't be included in the front seat so it wouldn't be a source of distraction to one driving it. It should be shifted to the back seat for the children or adults seating in the back to have fun playing their favourite PC games.