The Avengers


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So anyone here see the The Avengers yet?

Is it as good as the hype has been given it?
The reviews have been great, i wasn't planning on seeing it but i will probably give it a watch when it comes out on DVD.
This was an excellent movie. Although, when I went to watch it, it got stuck on Samuel Jackson.
I thought the Avengers was pretty good but I didn't expect it to gross as much as it has. Really enjoyed the Hulk. He had laughable moments. They already started working on the new Iron man. I did find it to build up sort of slow. The action at the end could have been a little better.
In my eyes The Avengers will probably be one of the best movies of 2012. After years worth of build up and hype I was worried it would fall flat. I shouldn't have worried with Joss Whedon at the helm though.

What I loved most about this film is that each character got the right amount of screentime. I was worried that one or two characters would be given the majorty of screen time. But no, everyone got a backstory and development. I also loved witnessing how the team comes together as they don't all magically get on at the start.

You're right there was a great mix of action and humor. There were a few points where the whole audience was laughing at my screening. I also think some of the supporting or minor characters had some great lines. Agent Coulson stole a scene where he stood up to Loki .. he's really come a long way since he appeared in the original Iron Man. I love that his character was fleshed out and at the end of the day he was a real hero.

Personally this is one of my favorite superhero movies.
It will definitely be one of my top favourite movies in 2012. I saw it in 3D (my first 3D movie experience) and I thought it was awesome :)