PlayStation The DioField Chronicle

new trailer is up:
playable demo is up on psn, saw a video gameplay of the demo:

During today’s Sony State of Play, the Japanese publisher revealed The DioField Chronicle another tatical rpg game.

Set to come to PS4 and PS5 sometime in 2022, a reveal trailer showed off warring kingdoms and overhead tactical combat.
Looks great visually, but the gameplay itself might steer me off because I wouldn't be interested to play for the story. Sounds really generic of the genre.
I played the demo it's pretty fun gameplay wise. Story is promising i like the characters, too bad the demo skipped story parts lol
Is it pretty fast though? Some of the gameplay seems like a slow watch to win.
well you can increase the game's speed during combat/battlefield gameplay.
Stuff from TGS 2022, translated by dualshockers:

Art Director Takahiro Kumagai explained his team created "an elegant and beautiful look" by placing the action on a highly-detailed background similar to a board game and focusing on the combat from a bird's eye view. In crafting the unique style, in which characters may be scaled to be larger than some buildings, balancing the diorama theme with realism was the key to success. "One day, I would love to see this as some kind of plastic model kit, or a diorama setup in real life," he described the visual appeal of the game board backdrop.

The story of The DioField Chronicle focuses on four main characters who serve as leaders of a mercenary company, Blue Fox from DioField Island, and their personal feelings and interactions as war breaks out. Producer Shigeyuki Hirata expressed pride that his game's storyline is entirely new and not tied to an existing IP, opening players into a fully original world based on medieval and current themes with a heavy fantasy element thrown in.

Unlike many modern strategic RPGs, the game will focus on real-time combat using a system the developers created just for this title, with players issuing commands to units to utilize their unique strengths. "I think the depth of the game lies in many people being able to approach this in a variety of ways," Hirata said, explaining some of the technical gameplay elements. That includes an adjutant system, which will allow the four playable characters on each map to each take another character along for the ride, making way for a wide variety of possible skill combinations. The level-up system will further build upon unit customization, having players earn points to adjust their characters' stats individually by using skill points, and by having combat skills tied to weapons instead of the characters themselves. Hirata wanted to combine real-time elements with an engaging story to give players an exciting new feel to gaming while providing them the familiarity of a classic RPG. "You might have to pause here and there, but I think it provides a new SRPG experience," he noted.

That classic experience is largely put forth by the game's protagonist, Andrias, who is voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto. Definitely eschewing the trope of the silent protagonist, Okamoto said he had to read double the lines he would have expected for a similar game, although Hirata noted many of those lines are for exposition and helping players understand the unique world the game will thrust them into. Okamoto was also amused by the characters' interactions, saying, "Well, you may say they don't get along, but then, in a way they do. It's such an interesting balance to be honest. But I do get the impression that they acknowledge each other's strengths."
Read some spoilers that waifu Waltaquin
leaves in chapter 5-6 ish, the game will be around 7 chapters, wonder if she will return during the last chapter after all that ship stuff with MC lol
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Saw chapter 7 story and gameplay video and the stuff with Waltaquin,
the twist with her
not happy with it.