Review The English, Night Sky, ZeroZeroZero


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Steal Penalty
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Steal Penalty
The English

The English is a very interesting western. As it's far less about shootouts and outlaws and far more about racism and philosophy. It's the type of western that can get very complicated quickly, which made the show a bit difficult to follow.

It does look quite nice, the directing was very well done, and the casting was perfectly acceptable. But I also can't lie and say that I'll remember most of this show.

For me, this was a pretty solid western, that unfortunately will get overshadowed by everything else I'll be watching soon.

Night Sky

The first episode of this show was excellent, truly an emotional and thoughtful episode. I was genuinely surprised by this quiet introspective pilot about a elderly couple dealing with old age.

The sci-fi concept was also pretty neat and felt really woven into the story. I was so excited to see the rest of the show.

Then it just became one of those mystery shows. Like the elderly couple drama is still there but it's interwoven with generic “evil secret organization” plot points and I stopped enjoying the show as much.

I wish I could say I wanted more seasons but honestly I feel a bit disappointed by this. I really did enjoy JK Simmons and Sissy Spacek's performances and characters. Everything else is hit and miss.


ZeroZeroZero is a pretty good show. It's certainly a very violent show, which did lead to me wincing a few times, but it's a pretty interesting show.

The story has a ton of different characters and settings which can get confusing, but it does flow well. My biggest take away from this show was that it was a pretty good crime drama. I'd recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the crime drama.
Sounds good, but not the kind of Western show that many tend to like to watch.