I'll give you a small hint. Second person mentioned in that statement.Anyway, G.O., you where wondering what that image was? YOU MEAN.... YOU'VE NEVER SEEN SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS BEFORE??
That's what I was thinking.
I'll give you a small hint. Second person mentioned in that statement.Anyway, G.O., you where wondering what that image was? YOU MEAN.... YOU'VE NEVER SEEN SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS BEFORE??
Christmassy avatars everyone!
Australia. Japan. England. Pommyland. Asia. Africa.Screw you, GO. No one still uses celcius, you nerd.
Australia. Japan. England. Pommyland. Asia. Africa.
Your logic got twisted bad.
Where Nin comes from.Pommyland?
Australia. Japan. England. Pommyland. Asia. Africa.
Your logic got twisted bad.
The argument was about Celcuis Vs Farenheight Dumbass.England is Pommyland dumbass.
Japan is in Asia.
You're forgetting like tons of countries... THERE'S A THING CALLED EUROPE GO!
Hehe GO looks funny...
All you did was pick a couple of things out, doesn't mean I'm an Idiot.I know what it was about.
I'm just proving you're an idiot.
Those 'mericans.America just wanted to be special.
We all know what America is like though.Being the greatest superpower in the world does have its perks, I suppose.
And I'm American, by the way.