The Happy Holidays Thread

HEY! NINTENDAN----- um... er...

Or in "romanji": Anata wa, fōramu (forum) no banā (banner) no kurisumasu (Christmas) no henka o tsukuru kotote kudasai?

Or in "Engrish": You, please make the change forum banner Christmas?

I'm sure we know what I mean, right? Chīzu wa nagettsu
I'm watching the first Santa Clause as I'm posting this.
Our tree is like the one from Charlie Brown.
Though it can hold more than one thing. It's very small is what I'm trying to say.
The day after tomorrow is Christmas! I'll be spending it until 11 A.M. with my Mom (only good part about Christmas besides presents), but then I have to go home and stay at my aunt's (for a Christmas party) and be bored out of my freaking mind while I unwillingly listen to my relatives talk about some stupid crap. It's what I do about every Christmas since I can remember, and I hate it. At least I'll get some spending money.