The Human Powered iPhone! power case


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This iPhone 6s case is made by a company called Ampware. This case allows you to crank charge your iPhone in emergency situations where access to power may be limited.

This case looks good for people who have a lot of power outages.
We've advance so much in technology we're now reverting to the old ways :p
We've advance so much in technology we're now reverting to the old ways :p

The old ways are sometimes safer, and more reliable. Users of this cell phone charging case won't get electrocuted like some unlucky users who got electrocuted by a wall charger for their cell phone.

Plus, you always have power when you crank this case unless you broke your arm or hands in a accident.

The electricity is also free from a hand crank charger, and you get a little exercise while cranking the case, so user's won't be as overweight and unhealthy because of not exercising at all.
I always thought the flash lights like this were cool. If your phone died when you really need it, could just wind it up and use it!
This looks really cool! But I thought it would me more... easy? to charge the phone with that method, you actually need to move the thing a lot in order to get a little bit of battery, but, you know, it's something! I'm really looking forward to see if they can make this simpler, but it's still a great device in my opinion :p
Mmm I guess this hand crank charger works using the alternator principle for rotative machines (rotating counterclockwise to generate electricity by transforming mechanic energy). It coud be useful if you are in the middle of nowhere and the day is quite cloudy to use photovoltaic cells in order to charge your phone.
This looks really cool! But I thought it would me more... easy? to charge the phone with that method, you actually need to move the thing a lot in order to get a little bit of battery, but, you know, it's something! I'm really looking forward to see if they can make this simpler, but it's still a great device in my opinion :p

I agree the guy in the video does seem to have to move his hand a lot to charge it a bit. I read in the comments that there is a battery in the case for you to charge. If the guy removes the phone, and just charge the battery case it may charge faster.

The screen on his iPhone keeps turning on automatically when it detects that it is charging. The screen uses power when ON while charging.
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