E3 The Inpatient

I don't own VR headset so I won't be playing this game but it reminds me of Outlast (the first one) and Until Dawn (with the creepy doctor). I think it might not be bad but we shall see. it is hard to tell until they show us actual gameplay and see just how scary/creepy it gets. If only the VR headset wasn't stupidly overpriced...

I do enjoy watching the VR streams though so I will keep my eye on those when this game gets released. It might turn out to be a quality game. Too little information to give it a fair judgment just yet.
@Zoey its made by the same people who made Until Dawn so that would likely be why you can see influences from there. I think the game looks okay, not something I will play due to a lack of headset and I am not interested to pay that kind of price to get one.