The Last Guardian Lives


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After years of being off the map since its announcement back in 2009, tonight at Sony's Conference new footage for the Last Guardian was shown and is due out for PS4 in 2016.
Great idea for Sony to open the show with this - show that they care about games and drop a bomb straight away. I look forward to seeing more of this for sure.
Demon_Skeith said:
I'll ask what I asked when I first saw this several E3s ago. What is supposed to be good about this game?
No clue really. Think the delays just kind of over-hyped things a bit maybe. Looks like it could be fun but somewhat smells of incompleteness to me.
I am extremely excited for this game to come out. I think though it might be like what happened to Guild Wars 2. The long wait hyped it so much that expectations were high, but when people finally played it no one liked it.
Looks good! Been waiting for The Last Guardian for awhile now and glad alot of progress was made. Ill be getting it launch date for sure.
My excitement for this game has waned quite a bit due to all the delays. It looked amazing when the first trailers where shown years ago, but now this just looks pedestrian on modern hardware. It will probably be good, but gamers enjoy other types of games nowadays. I don't see this becoming a runaway success for Sony, perhaps it will keep the die hard fans happy at least.
I somehow missed the boat on this one back in 09... so when they announced it in the live stream, i pulled up another tab and looked at other stuff, because it just doesn't seem interesting to me. The big hyenna looking thing is cute, but it seems like it may be hard to control him, the gameplay in the trailer seemed to have the player trying to lead by example, jumping and calling his "pet" and the pet seemed to ignore commands until repeated over and over. That doesn't sound like "fun" gameplay to me. Maybe it's just me though.... 
I agree Xenokitten, seemed like there was still some things with gameplay to work out, the main example was that calling the guardian often did nothing. Hopefully they improve that massively before launch or else a lot of people will be disappointed. 
I've been waiting for more news on this game for a long time.  Sadly, it doesn't look that great.  From the gameplay video, it doesn't look like the controls are that polished, and it seems that the game looks a long way off.  Hopefully we see some more progress, and the game doesn't go into hiding for another 4-5 years.
It is good news that this game is still going ahead and could be out next year, which shows that the maker was thinking about it and also the technical issues may have been holding it back from being released. So in the Ps4 console it will work better, as it may have better graphics and also work in a high-powered console which will be good to see. I have been waiting for a long time for this game and it could be like Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, where you see the friendship form between a man and a creature in a magical world.