the most Powerful LINK anywhere on the INTERNET!


Pro Gamer
Full GL Member
hello everyone,

for all your actual news and spin-free media needs, (the stuff that the big news agencies and government do not want us to know)

these stories are from every possible source, from liberal to republican, check it out and stay informed!

is it like wikileak?

no, this site does not "leak" data on anything secret, what they -or i mean HE- (because its mainly run by 1 dude that surfs the internet) and he gets the best and sometimes most hidden news stories and information and posts it on one easy page on his site,

thats why his site is so plain, he wants to give all the news from every source and let you be the judge, its awesome,


now we can all know whats going on
Sweet, but I think abovetopsecret dot com is better.. it's mainly a discussion board but I find it amusing every day. ^_^