The Pokemon Sword and Shield starters


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New Pokemon Starters: Sword And Shield's First Gen 8 Creatures Revealed

As part of a special Nintendo Direct to celebrate Pokemon Day, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have finally pulled back the curtain on Pokemon Sword and Shield, the series' upcoming eighth generation titles for Nintendo Switch. And just on time to celebrate Pokemon Day! Not only have details about the games' setting have been revealed, but fans also got their first look at their brand-new set of starter Pokemon, which represent the first Gen 8 Pokemon.

As in previous Pokemon games, players will be presented with a choice of three different Pokemon when they first begin their adventure in "Sword and Shield". This time around, the options will be:

the Grass-type chimp Grookey

the Fire-type rabbit Scorbunny

and the Water-type lizard Sobble

Which of the three is your favorite so far?
When they were first shown I only liked Scorbunny. I feel like Grookey is okay, but I really don't care for Sobble at all. As of right now I'm going to choose Scorbunny, but it really depends on its evolution. If it becomes fire/fighting, it's going to be kicked real fast. I heard something about fire/electric so I'm hoping it's that because that would be great.
Screw all three I say, give me pikachu!