The Qualcomm Smartphone Is Here For $1500


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The Qualcomm Smartphone looks pretty good. I feel it is too expensive for many buyers, but the specs and features look nice.
Had to grit my teeth for a $600 phone, that much would kill me :p
Had to grit my teeth for a $600 phone, that much would kill me :p

I probably never buy a $1500 smartphone in the next few years as well. I feel I will more likely to end up getting my smartphone stolen by a tech savvy robber who knows a phone is worth $1500, if I use a smartphone which cost $1500.
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My maximum is £1000 but that would only ever be a monthly contract plan. My current phone was about £800 but I managed to get a few discounts so got it all the way down to £550 which was not too bad. But that is a Samsung, to be fair, so that's worth the price.
My maximum is £1000 but that would only ever be a monthly contract plan. My current phone was about £800 but I managed to get a few discounts so got it all the way down to £550 which was not too bad. But that is a Samsung, to be fair, so that's worth the price.
Most people are paying monthly for their phones as opposed to paying straight out for it. The vast majority of people waking around with $1000 flagships didn’t drop that price at once at their carrier like some people here like to believe.