The Sims 3 (3DS) - 4/10


Best troll ever
The Sims 3
A ruined potential

A very popular and selling game called "The Sims 3" for the PC, started expanding to other platforms, which include, the 3DS.
Too bad that some versions are much, much worse than the original, and the 3DS, sadly, is no exclusion.

Gameplay - 5.5/10
The Sims 3 (3DS) plays much like it's PC counterpart, but with many more obvious flaws.
One of the worst flaws to this game, is the way the time is managed.
You start your life with your new home, you're dying to go meet some new Sims, but wait! Your Sim suddently wants to go the bathroom, and eat, and bathe, and sleep, and go to the park.
After petting your Sim and fulfilling his very last wish, you may now get out of your house, or at least you think you can, because it's now 1 AM, and your Sim will have to go to work in a few hours, so you better get some sleep!
And so, every single day in this game is a miserable experience of doing everything your Sim wants, going to sleep, going to work, and doing nothing special at all.
On the other side of the coin, it has everything you want in a Sims game, for those of you who liked cleaning and fixing everything in your house every time you use the toilet, this might be the game for you.
Graphics - 6/10

The original Sims 3 for PC isn't exactly demanding, and doesn't give mind-blowing graphics, but it's good enough to feel the atmosphere of the game.
The Sims 3 (3DS) on the other hand, will make you wonder what's the refrigerator, and whats the wardrobe.
For a handheld game, it's decent, it's bearable, it's fine, but it could've been better, considering I could actually see the shabby edges and pixels of some items.
The 3D effect is awful, not only will it give you a gigantic headache, it's also not pretty at all, and you will barely notice it.


Other Details - 3/10

The 3D effect is horrible, there is barely any music in the game, except the random mumbling of your Sims.
The controls are very terrible, and the minute you tell your Sim to do something, he will want to do something else.
It offers nothing new, and even less, than other Sim games, taking out many items and actions.

Final Words

If only this game could've had just a few more basic things, it could've been decent, but it's lacking in many areas, and could possibly give you a headache instead of entertaining you.
Though for those of you who are long time Sims fan, this is a nice little game to play on the road, but not something you might want to get unless you're a gigantic Sims fan.

The Sims 3 gets a:

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