The Ten Year Old Smash 'Prodigy' was a marketing stunt?


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If you've been watching all the latest Smash Bros 4 news online, you may remember this video, supposedly showing a ten year old Karissa beating tournament level players in Super Smash Bros for 3DS:

Above: Yes, even the video uploader now says its fake

But interestingly, the whole thing seems to be a fake, a weird marketing stunt set up by either Nintendo or Gamestop involving some offsite 'pro' as a way of embarassing other tournament pros. Or something, it's hard to tell.


So yeah, you heard of this? What do you think of this not particularly surprising turn of events? I personally think it's an interesting idea for a fake viral video, but perhaps a little pointless. I mean, is this what they're spending the game's marketing money on nowadays?
Great way to get the word out lol. Honestly I would have bought this if I hadn't read this, I had been playing Super Smash Bros Brawl for years and online I had faced 12-14 year olds who were very good, so to me it would have been plausible. :p
Never saw that video before, but had I done so I'd have told you it was fake. First off, when she turns around and claps to psyche up the audience her character icon is still choosing a character on the screen behind her for a moment or two. Secondly, she's not pressing buttons. When a person presses buttons on the controller their arms tense until released - especially when playing a fast-action fighting game. Notice how her arms are lax the entire time yet the dude on the right's arms are semi-flailing about as he plays.
Could've fooled me. I remember I was around that age when I first started getting into Smash in the early 2000's. I was pretty good. Not anymore, though.