Think anyone will figure out how to set up a free Pokemon Bank system?


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I mean, now that Nintendo are charging an annual fee for this sort of service, I suspect there are at least some people out there annoyed enough that they'd consider setting up their own version by reverse engineering how the concept works and setting up a private server.

So do you think this will happen sometime later this year? Will some desperate hacker or the like figure out how to set up their own free version in the same way that some people already edit router settings to have a free Nintendo Zone/internet enabled friend code relay system?
That could eventually happen. Maybe depending on the fee Nintendo puts on their service. Especially if it is an outrageous amount of money they are asking for. There could be some people out there who might be willing to create a similar service for free. I think it would be a good idea too. It would be helpful for all those trainers/players out there who are on a budget because of college or whatever their situation. I'd consider using the free service.
There's phone apps that mimic event distribution booths for gen 4 and 5 I'm sure some kind of similar thing can be made for X and Y's bank app.
Apparently, according to serebii, the monthly cost in japan will be 500 yen a month.
Apparently, according to serebii, the monthly cost in japan will be 500 yen a year.

Uh. I just looked up what the Pokemon Bank is and I honestly don't understand what it is or what it's used for.
Uh. I just looked up what the Pokemon Bank is and I honestly don't understand what it is or what it's used for.

Think dropbox for pokemon. you download it from the eshop, and you can upload your pokemon to the internet from B/W/B2/W2/X/Y. You can then download them onto the game from your bank later on. it can hold up to 3000 pokemon total.
Hellfire, on 04 Sept 2013 - 22:26, said:
Dark Young Link, on 04 Sept 2013 - 22:23, said:Uh. I just looked up what the Pokemon Bank is and I honestly don't understand what it is or what it's used for.
Think dropbox for pokemon. you download it from the eshop, and you can upload your pokemon to the internet from B/W/B2/W2/X/Y. You can then download them onto the game from your bank later on. it can hold up to 3000 pokemon total.

It's basically Pokémon Box for Gamecube/My Pokémon Ranch on Wii but for 3ds and cloud powered. If that makes sense.
Apparently, according to serebii, the monthly cost in japan will be 500 yen a year.


So then the price in the U.S. would be around $5 a year right? If that is true, I'm fine with that price.
There's phone apps that mimic event distribution booths for gen 4 and 5 I'm sure some kind of similar thing can be made for X and Y's bank app.

Really? Would you happen to know what they are called because I have been looking for a way to get some of the event pokemon I had missed when I had given it up for a bit. Would be sweet to just get an app for it.

Also, I think it is silly they are charging a fee for something like this, so I can easily see some people getting annoyed and hacking it.