This corv 19 has got me severely depressed


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(This is a serious topic)
How u all doing with this whole corv started in feb, messed up our world, now we are on borrowed time until the next wave?

My life is messed up. Im laaaazy, im bored, im freakin depressed, i have no motivation. I get stuck in my head reminiscing of the past, i dont really care about anything, everything is a chore, hobbies are pointless, health and staying fit is meaningless.

Straight up my girl is getting tired of me. Shes not ready to dump me but shes getting sick of my candyass. Shes hot, shes nice and fun, and cool to be with. I should be trying to hold onto her but im just too damn depressed.

This corv has got me suicidal.
Don't think about it like that.
We are going to get a good vaccine soon. I am sure of that. Stay positive and stay healthy.
I know it's hard but its important to get into a routine. That's what I did and it helped me keep busy during the lockdown and ensure that I didn't end up being too lazy. Try and create a little list of things you want to do every day
Well everything will be alright soon don't get depressed or think like that we all will be able to back to our normal life soon