Thoughts on JonTron's recent debate controversies?


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Recently, he ended in a debate with someone called Destiny about immigration and politics. And well, some might say Jon didn't exactly air his views in the best way possible:

Jon Jafari on Twitter

Jon Jafari on Twitter

Jon Jafari on Twitter

Either way, it's led to a lot of sites calling him racist and a huge amount of drama on his subreddit.

Personally, I'm a tad disappointed, though also wonder if he's just being naive here. He's an entertainer, not a debater.

But hey, what do you think? Has this completely destroyed his reputation? Or are you still a fan of his videos none the less?
I could only stomach 20 minutes. First of all, do people forget that Native Americans were here first before the Europeans took over? America wasn't always a "Euro nation." Secondly, I have to agree with Jontron on some level and anything he says past the 20 minute mark, I don't know and I can't say one way or the other. But for that 20 minutes, I agree with Jon more that other guy.

I hate being told that it's not okay to be a white male and that I'm "part of a problem." I was born in 1993 and anything that happened prior is not my fault and I shouldn't have to own up to anything. I wasn't alive when slavery happened, I never owned slaves. I wasn't born during the Civil Rights movement and I had no say one or the other. I'm not a religious person, but if there's one thing I can agree with it's that the sins of the father cannot be passed down to the children or whatever the saying is.

Secondly this guy is acting like ISIS isn't a problem and that it's gas lighting. Go tell that to France, you know where ISIS attacked what four or five times in the past two or three years. ISIS is a huge problem, they're scary and they'll kill anybody and they don't care what color you are. On the other hand you can't say all Muslims are part of ISIS because they aren't. That's like saying the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians or whatever religion they are. However, it's better to be safe than sorry. ISIS hates America about as much as Hitler hated the Jews and they're trying to sneak into America to kill everybody, and like I said, they don't care about race. I'm not saying ban all Muslims, but we should at least have them background checked... actually anyone who wants to move into the US should be background checked. What the hell ever happened to the legal immigration system anyway? But I digress.

The one thing in that 20 minutes that I didn't agree with Jontron was when he said something about white people preserving their demographic majority. It doesn't matter who has the majority or the minority. I thought we're all supposed to be represented as Americans. It doesn't matter if you're black or white or Mexican or Asian or whatever, as long as you live here legally, you're an American. Just like if you lived in Sweden, no matter your background, you'd be Swedish.

I honestly don't understand why everything has to be about race. I know there were problems in the past, I know there are a few complications now, but only the way through it is to forgive and forget. We won't anywhere by saying, "White people are the problem," or "Black people are the problem," because blaming each other IS the problem. It's the whole reason the US is falling apart. We're supposed to be a nation where we're all united, but we've been divided for years. You can't even make a joke without being called racist or without somebody getting offended by the smallest thing. I'm surprised we haven't fallen completely apart yet, to be honest.