Thoughts on Trump being chosen as the next US president?


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Well, it's happened. It's unexpected as all hell, but it's happened none the less.

Donald Trump has beaten Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. From January 2017, he will become the next president of the United States of America:,_2016

So, what do you think about the news? Are surprised Trump won? Did you want him to win?

Or are you one of those people who feels this is the worst thing ever for the country?
For me, I'm cautiously optimistic, since I haven't seen anything from him as president. I wouldn't have voted for him if I was American (I think Bernie Sanders would have been a good choice myself), but I'm not gonna be all negative and panic just yet.
I'm not happy, but I can't complain seeing as I didn't vote so I forfeited the right to be unhappy. There was no good choice. From Trump to Clinton and even Johnson and Stein, they were terrible. Voting was pretty much pointless in the long run.

However, I'm enjoying seeing peoples' knee jerk reactions, in a sick twisted way. Everyone is making this out to be the worst thing ever, but people seem to forget that Trump is just the face of America. He can't do anything without congress giving him the okay. That means there will be no wall. They simply won't allow it. It also means that no one will be losing their rights regardless of race or gender. The worse he can do is talk smack about Russia, China, or North Korea and provoke an attack on us. That's what scares me the most.
I don't care. Just don't cut services for the poor and disabled...