Titanfall 2


GamingLatest Slave
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Titanfall 2 is out, and despite poor sales, the game has reviewed very well. Have you given this game a try? Does the good reviews tempt you to purchase it?

I think the game came out at the wrong time with Battlefield 1 and CoD: Infinite Warfare coming out close to it.
I might get it, who doesn't wrecking stuff with a giant robot?
Titanfall 2 is something I haven't tried yet however I know a few people who have and they love the game and say it's a lot better than the first. Many are super happy about the campaign that was brought with Titanfall 2. As of yet I have not picked it up but I may do at a later date :)
Got it from the store yesterday and have played a bit of the campaign - feels fun. Probably will be the shooter I drop in and out of for the next year or so.
I'm mainly interested in multiplayer which was fantastic on the original one. Has anyone tried it yet?
An extremely solid single player mode with a very good multiplayer mode in an age of micro transactions and paid DLC. Its a shame it was released when it was, almost like EA sent it out to die, and therefore sales haven't been too great. It is a very good shooter overall and I had a great time with the story mode but I'm not hugely into online shooters anymore so didn't play too much of it. Did you pass over this game or end up buying it?
for those of you who have PS+ subscription on the ps4 console, its available for download, tried it out myself, its pretty fun. fast paced action game