Tomb Raider Release Date


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Crystal Dynamics has revealed the release date for its upcoming Tomb Raider reboot. In a trailer released tonight, the studio confirmed Tomb Raider will arrive on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on March 5, 2013.

The news follows an announcement a few weeks ago that Crystal Dynamics was pushing the game to next year. At the time, studio head Darrell Gallagher wrote that “Our priority now is to make sure we fully deliver the very highest quality game. In order to do this, we have decided to move the game’s release date by a few months, from Fall 2012 to the first quarter of 2013.”

Square Enix has confirmed that Tomb Raider will be at E3 next week, and the game will also make an appearance on IGN’s Live Show direct from the show floor, so expect some new details to come very soon.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of the game at E3, i might get it if the new direction has improved the series.
Never been a fan of the series. Just never got attracted to the whole concept behind it.

Nevertheless, the game looks interesting on a standalone basis. I can see the fans of the series lapping this one up. Not sure, if I will personally be giving it a run, but you never know what the future holds.

If it's given positive reviews, I might.
I'm glad Tomb Raider is getting a well needed Reboot. I really enjoyed the fist few games as a kid but the most recent ones have been a little dissapointing compared to the likes of the Uncharted series. I think the series kind of went downhill with "the Angel of Darkness". That's the game that made me stop playing.

The trailer looks decent and I like the grittier look and feel. I also appreciate how Lara looks more realistic and not just like eye candy for the guys. I'm not worried about waiting a little longer for the release if it means a better quality game. Nothing worse than games that get rushed through production to meet a deadline.

I guess we'll have to see what Crystal Dynamics does with this opportunity. I'll probably buy this game.
I've played a couple of Tomb Raider titles, and I enjoyed the game. I like the puzzles and the all the action sequences. I just had a chance to watch Tomb Raider at E3 and it looks promising. The graphics are amazing, but I was wondering why she looks so young? Surely after a while she has to age at least a little bit. I'm definitely eager to play this new title, and see how it varies from the other ones.
Like many others here, never really liked/played the series too much lol. But this just seems pretty good and interesting(for some reason, loved the bow+arrow hunt). I'm definitely going to try it out when it comes out. Hopefully they'll release a demo, just in case :happy: .
I'm leery of this reboot. I like the Tomb Raider games and I'm hoping they keep the spirit of the series intact. I'm also not sure how I feel about Lara - who looks like a pretty young man now. I don't know, but I won't count it out until I actually get my hands on one of my friend's copies.