Toshiba, Fujitsu and Vaio could merge their PC divisions


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The PC business as we know it is dying, and whenever an industry reaches this point in its life, it has to team up with the other survivors to avoid oblivion. To that end, Nikkei Asian Review believes that Toshiba, Fujitsu and Vaio, Sony's spun out computing division, are considering merging their PC divisions together. The move would create a desktop, laptop and tablet-manufacturing supergroup that controlled more than 30 percent of Japan's market -- making it bigger than Lenovo, the current local champion. The paper believes that Vaio would be the name that survives, absorbing its rivals into its existing operations.

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It's sad to see that there would be less choices in PC, laptops, and tablets if Toshiba, Fujitsu, and Viao merge into one giant PC maker.

I think Toshiba, Fujitsu, and Viao should spend more of their time, and money making useful software, and games rather than trying to sell PCs, Laptops, Netbooks, and Tablets which most people already own.

Buyers can now buy a nice used or refurbished Windows 7 PC with a dual-quad core CPU, 4-8GB of RAM, 500-1TB of storage, and older gaming video card like Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 for an affordable price from eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist.

A lot of people are also building their own desktop computers to save money, and get better performance for a cheaper price by building their own computers. It is also pretty affordable to go to a computer store, and hire someone to build a custom PC with parts you selected yourself.
I didn't even knew they made PCs really ^^;
I didn't even knew they made PCs really ^^;

I forgot about these computer brands until I read this article which I posted here.

I haven't really heard of Fujitsu, and I mostly remember Toshiba as a company which makes DVD player, and TVs. Viao is also not very well known since it is no longer part of Sony Computers which is gone because Sony sold of their PC Business to someone else.