PlayStation Trails Of Cold Steel III Coming October 22 2019

@cm2 what is this about?

@cm2 what is this about?

You don't need to play new game plus of the previous games to get into Cold Steel III's story, no such mention from NISA. It's just the guy that's making the video's opinion. Cold Steel III also comes with Cold Steel I and II story summary with important points,plot,character details that can be accessed from the main menu of the game should you wish it for a refresher course. As you know, Cold Steel Series' stories are also connected with the other Trails so if you really want to know all the details on everything like the Ouroboros stuff you'll also need to play Ao No Kiseki and Zero No Kiseki.
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I hate that I don't fully know this series' story.

I am still waiting for the fan english translation team to fully finish the english patch for Ao and Zero myself...Only then I can fully know the story of this guy (Lloyd) and his waifu(Elie) lol the hero and main heroine of Ao and Zero and their feud with the Ouroboros and more on the assure tree thing that's also in cold steel 2 too and a bunch of other stuff ... :

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I keep seeing vastly differing opinions on how required the Liberl and Crossbell games are from people claiming they’ve followed translation guides for Cold Steel III and Crossbell. So I can’t tell if it’s based on what you as a person consider required reading material, or it’s all hearsay and nobody’s ever bothered to fact check because of the language barrier. Kind of like English dubs of 90’s anime having missing scenes that never existed (ie Digimon Adventure 2). The only consensus is that you obviously have to play Coldsteel 1 and 2 first.

I see one side saying that it’s not a huge deal, because it’ll be a shoutout or if you never played the game the scene was from, you wouldn’t even notice. Others say it’s a super huge big reference and you’ll never ever know what’s going on without it. So I can’t tell if it’s just how anal you are with stuff.

It’ll be like with Tita and Agate showing up in Cold Steel 3, and they just say “yeah he’s a braver and she’s a orbal mechanic, and both are from Liberl”. Maybe they say some quick quip about the events in Liberl. So you take that what you will.

Idk, I’ve only played Sky FC, Coldsteel 1, and still in chapter 1 of 2, so I don’t have much of a real say in what’s going on, just an interpretation.
So are you planning to play Ao and Zero with the english patch when it's done @Grungie ?
Probably, I’ve dicked around in Zero.

With the "not so good" currently available english fanmade psp patch? I played a bit as well and decided to wait for the "proper" english translation patch from the second team (the link I posted above).
Just found out there is another english fanmade patch, an edited version of the first english patch by "flame", looks better than the first english patch, going to give it a play while waiting for the Geofont Team one. The patch also includes all the japanese voices from the evolution psvita version of the game too.
Okay tried the 'flame' english patch, looks pretty good, recorded my play of Zero no Kiseki:
Based on what I’ve seen from discussions, and personal experience (at least for what people told me about Coldsteel 1), is that some of these really loud and vocal fans are sort of blowing out of proportion of how integral all of these games are to each other. This makes the series seem incredibly inaccessible to newcomers because there’s allegedly 300 hours of pre-requisite material to sift through.

I’m not saying the people who are avid about the story are lying, but if you go back to my previous post, it’s what the individual interprets as a huge deal. So they’ll mention that X happened in the past, but in a somewhat “vague” way. Those that played a previous game know exactly what they’re talking about, but the uninformed just think it’s a lore thing. I could be completely wrong when I get farther in Coldsteel 2. I’m just basing this off of people telling me I would be completely lost playing Coldsteel 1 without playing the previous 5 games, or at least Crossbell.

I see the debates between people on this, like “is the Sky trilogy required?”. Because of the timeline where it sits at years earlier, one group will say “it’s a nicety, but not really”, and others will say “you HAVE to play it because you’ll be so lost”.

Then there’s the general clusterfuck of Coldsteel and Crossbell. Since both games have an overlapping timeline, and have events that “spoil” the other, there’s multiple debates on what to do. They argue which (currently) duology you have to play first, and some are so anal about it, they actually tell you to jump between the two duologies and have a guide on when to swap. Those people then argue to the people who only played both Coldsteel games who said “dude, it’s not a big deal”.
Like I posted before, cold steel I to IV's story can be followed or enjoyed without playing the other games with the story connections, but if you want the whole full detail of the story, then the other games, have to be played also.
I was just talking about all the crazy shit from the fandom. If it looks like I was trying to accuse you, I wasn’t.

Yep I know you weren't, no worries. I was just trying to say that no matter what the fandom think basically cold steel I-IV's stories can be followed/enjoyed without playing the other games' stories.
Continuing my play of Zero No Kiseki, Main Characters Assemble! :
I might be wrong, but the story in such games is usually based off some anime or manga?

Trails game series are not based on any anime or manga.
Continuing my play of Zero No kiseki, the battle UI is translated nicely into english with the patch too, recorded a boss battle:
good gameplay.

Chibi Llyod's Tyger Charge Special attack move is really awesome looking, I am really enjoying the game, this and ao no kiseki could take more than 100 hours lol.
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