Transgender and Gay Rights?


Anime Girl
Normally I would avoid this topic, but actually alot of my views on this subject has changed since getting involved with more people, and even have a close friend who is an FTM.

What are other people's views on this? And Glitter Bombing?
Glitter Bombing?

And I said it once and I'll say it again. We got more important shit going on (look at the gas prices!) then worrying about people and their god given life style. So I say give them their rights and move on.

as for Transgender, each as their own?
Well, as for glitter bombing, I'm mixed on it. I think that, on one end, this stuff should be called out. But on the other end, it is basically assaulting someone, which is wrong. But, as for LGBT rights, I think that there shouldn't be any difference for anything. It just serves as another way to create a minority. The way I take "Gay marriage isn't right because fags* are wrong" is the same as saying "Women shouldn't do anything but cook and clean house, working is a man's job". It's very bigoted, and very stupid. There's so much on the subject that bothers me about it. Like, if one of your neighbours finds out that you're gay/lesbian/bisexual/whatever, they automatically assume "Oh, I don't want to talk to this guy because he wants to fuck me". Well, in some cases, that may be true. But nine times out of ten, you aren't their type, they aren't interested in you. Too bad, try again. It's just asinine to think that there's any difference between what gender the person is that you want to spend the rest of your life with. There are much more important topics that the US government could be handling right now, and this is not one of them. As added to that, I've heard people say that it'll cause the population to drop, well, duh. It's not like it needs to go up any.

*As to me using the word "fag", I absolutely hate the word, and it will probably be one of the very few times you will ever see me use it. I didn't censor it, since I'm using an example that happened to me, and I feel that the emotion in it shouldn't be changed any.
I don't feel like it should be debated, but I came across the fact that a close friend of mine is transpobia, and I'm perfectly ok with transgender, its comes naturally to me, but I was shocked by the fact she was actually afraid of them
I completely agree with Joshua on this issue.

I also agree with the fact that it shouldn't even be an issue of debate.

I’ve frequently caught flack for being bisexual and it frustrates me to the point of actually getting into shouting matches with people who tell me that “you're going to hell” or “pick a gender and stick with it” or “how can you know if you've never been with a man before? (um, because I do, bitch?)”.

Kids have killed themselves because they're bullied for their sexuality. They're sodomized, beaten, and are all-around tortured for being a member of the LGBTQ community. Just...why do this? Do they scare you? Do they make you question yourself? No, seriously, give a fucking answer here!

It's conservative, usually religious, douchebags that want to cause these issues because, in their eyes, and omnipotent God who crafts humans in his own image and wants all of them to ascend to a utopia by forgiveness, wants to create a few just to throw away in hell because of their sexuality? Okay...that makes complete sense. [/sarcasm] And people wonder why I'm an atheist; because religions hate me for who I am and I won't stand for that shit, period.

So all in all, if you don't like the LGBT community, I don't like you.
I'm with you there, college really showed how bad bullying can be in. In college! I know quite a few people who came out in college because they were too scared to do so in high school. I think it's just wrong that people do bully simplely because they're gay or bisexual, or even transgender. It's wrong to bully anyone no matter what. But I agree completly.
I normally avoid this topic too, because I would be afraid someone would offend me! Which has happened before... : O

I also do think it's silly that it's still an issue, gay people have been around for thousands of years, but it was only highlighted 50-100 years ago. Back in Greece, everyone had a male and female lover. (Centuries ago)

I've never had a problem with Transgendered people, they are cool. But I did make a friend a bit over a year ago who is transgendered! She is still currently a girl, but one day she will be a boy! Her situation is kind of weird though, cause her boyfriend is gay.. but she's still a girl. I was talking with her on the phone and she was like "It's weird, I know".
At first, I was a little sad. Because I had finally made a friend with her name XD
She will change her name to a completely different name once she becomes a boy.
I have no fears or negative thoughts once she becomes a boy, she'll still be the same person.. she'll just have possibly a deeper voice and no female parts. She will still be my friend and I will love him as my friend just as I did before.

I am all for gay rights, if I wasn't that would be contradictory! As I am homosexual.

Glitter Bombing, I am kind of in the middle with. Like, I don't like homophobic people, so maybe politicians deserve to be glitter bombed.. but on the other hand.. that just makes us beneath them. We need to rise above the haters!

What I really hate are stereotypes! Everyone I meet always thinks I'm heterosexual just because I am not feminine! And It drives me insane! It's like, all because you don't know me, doesn't mean you can assume things about me when you know nothing about me!

I've also been asked how I can be gay if I've never been with a woman! I didn't know what to say, so I just repeatedly said that I was only attracted to males! But if I had a second chance, I would have said "How do you know you're not attracted to men if you've never been with a man?".
You know, after years and years of preaching human rights, and that everyone is equal, America is having a really hard time giving human's equal rights.
That is because a lot of the influential people are religious zealots, and so, if their holy book, statue, lawn ornament or cheesecake says that Gays don't deserve equal rights, and they have as much financial pull as they do vocally, then the Gays won't have their equal rights.

I usually avoid these topics as well, not for fear of discrimination, but because you won't get anywhere in the discussion in which one side is using facts, rational thinking and logic and the other side is using their ignorance (be it hatred or homophobia) and religious beliefs and quotes from religious texts and propaganda.

It is like those who are anti-abortion, and instead of using facts, they use their own assumptions, religious beliefs and pictures of aborted fetuses (as if people haven't already seen them) to debate against those who are pro-choice and using facts, logic, personal experiences and other reliable data in their argument.

Anyway, I believe that the Gays should be given the same rights afforded to Straights, including, but not limited to marriage and adoption, and there is no clear, factual or logical reason why they shouldn't. Religion shouldn't be apart of the discussion unless it affects you directly. While I am sure that it won't happen in my lifetime, I'll be glad if and when it does because I am tired of the debate already and there really are other, more pressing issues at hand.

Such as bullying, the homeless, the illegal immigration issue, (people go after the immigrants who are innocent, when they should really be going after the companies that hire them because they don't want to pay YOU) the marijuana issue and the dumbing down of society as a whole, and the financial shithole that our country is slowly crawling out of.

Cutting politician salaries, taxing the church and other religious institutions and organizations, as well as other alleged non-profit groups and their leaders, bringing factory, tech and other overseas American jobs using foreign workers (because it's cheap) back to America, so that Americans can have jobs, and require that the companies pay for the illegal immigrants to be naturalized to become Americans if they want to work, (or sent back if they don't want to be naturalized citizens) and then pay to train them, and exactly as they would American workers, so that Americans can't be undercut for jobs which would foster fair competition for jobs and legalizing marijuana and HEAVILY taxing it (which will also screw the cartels) will do a lot to help improve the economy and free up jail space for the criminals (who could then be used for cheap labor in exchange for their "3 hots and a cot" and a few other perks) that truly deserve it.

All of these issues are much more important than the issue of Gay Rights because they affect us all. So, I say that we start with giving them every right afforded to and abused by Straights, because it is the right thing to do, and then move on to the other, more important issues..
I honestly don't see why gay marriage is such a huge deal. Yes, I know marriage is usually religious and a lot of religions frown upon it.
Many gays are religious though, why should they be denied marriage? Atheists get married but someone of that religion can't?
Also, we have way more important things to fuss about. Marriage should be given to them as a right, by no means should it be illegal.
We should worry about out economy more so that gay marriage. Legalize it and move on.
I'm actually glad someone started this thread. I've been a very active supporter of LGBT rights for quite some time now. As an African
American, I can appreciate the turmoil associated with being degraded and belittled and denied rights based upon something you have
no control over. It wasn't that long that we were denied rights, and if there hadn't been strong, empathetic people who stood up for us,
where would we be?
It amazes me how so many people get offended by someone elses life choices. How dare your butt cheeks get tight over something that
has nothing to do with you nor effects you in any way, shape or form. If gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered individuals wish to get married
and be as miserable as everyone else, why the hell can't they? To demean a group of people and make them feel as if their life is any less
valid or important than your own is the work of a sad, miserable ass clown who needs a hug and a pudding cup. I'll happily support LGBT
rights until they no longer need anyone to stare down that dragon with them.
Totally agree and it is a shame that our fellow members of the Black Community didn't see it that way in California a few years ago.

You think that with the shit our group has and still goes through that they wouldn't stand for any oppression of this magnitude.

As said, it wasn't that long ago when it was Blacks being oppressed and when you switch the terms "Gay" and "Homosexual" with "Black" you have pretty much the same arguments from the 50's.

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