Tricker or Treater?


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[font=georgia,serif]~Tricker or Treater?~[/font]

This is the official topic for Tricker or Treater, where the tricks will be listed and members will sign up and be split into teams. I will be taking care of everything, so don't worry.

Current entrants:
  • NintenDan
  • Midna
  • Moclon
  • Mr. X
  • Lord Regal
  • Fillfall
  • batmann64
  • Kirby_Z

The Game
Teams will split into two (equally, and chosen randomly by me). One team will be the Trickers, and the other will be the Treaters (but the teams will eventually swap roles).

The Aim
The Trickers must set down a series of requests for the Treaters to fullfill. This can include things such as "I want a picture of a Bunny wearing a Mexican hat". There is no limitation.

The Rules
At the start of the first week, the Trickers will have two days to each come up with one trick. After two days, the tricks will be given out to the team of Treaters. Anybody can finish a trick, but the idea is that every person takes care of one trick. If there are slack team mates, you may need to do two tricks!

After the remaining five days of treating, teams will rotate, with the Treaters now being the Trickers. The same rules will apply, with the first two days of the second week reserved for Trickers to come up with a trick, and the remaining five days for the Treaters.

For every trick that is fulfilled, the Treaters will earn one point.

For every trick that isn't fulfilled, the Trickers will earn one point.

The team with the most points will win, but there are also two mystery prizes. One prize will be for the most creative trick, and another award for the most creative treat.

All tricks will be submitted to NintenDan in a group or individual PM, and all treats will be submitted to NintenDan in a group or individual PM.

It is preferred if you get together as a team and sort amongst yourselves what tricks you will make, or what treats each member will take care of.

If there is a clash of tricks, I'll PM both members who had the clash and they can sort it out. Hopefully members can work together in teams to ensure there isn't a clash.

If one member has forgotten to submit, you are not allowed to make a fake submission for them.

Sign Up
To sign up, post in this topic. I will split you up into teams and make all announcements here. To sign up just post saying that you'd like to be a part of it.

Terms and Conditions
By entering the competition you agree that any trick or treat made will adhere to our guidelines and not contain any illegel or inappropriate content. Doing so will see the content being removed immediately, you will be disqualified from the competition and possibly have forum action taken depending on the severity of the content.

If you do not submit a "trick" within the two days, you will not be able to submit your trick later. In the case of 10 Trickers, if two do not submit a trick, only 8 tricks will be available for the Treaters to fulfill.

If you do not submit your trick/treat correctly, you accept that your trick/treat may be removed and become invalid, and that you will have to create a new trick/treat within the allocated time period.
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Are judges of the sig/pic allowed to signip? if so, sign me up
Same here. I want to write some more reviews within the month on some underbought eshop games
Sign me in, Slender man Dan
I'd like to be part of the trickers, please!

EDIT: Treaters, sorry.
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I'd like to be part of the trickers, please!

EDIT: Treaters, sorry.

Moi said:
Teams will split into two (equally, and chosen randomly by me). One team will be the Trickers, and the other will be the Treaters (but the teams will eventually swap roles).

So no need to request what team, you'll get a chance to do both! I'll add all new people to the roster.
Someone has to find logical ways to fulfill the tricks and make them funny...through SCIENCE. And on the other hand, coming up with crazy requests sounds fun. I'm game.
I just noticed:
Slender Dan likes this​
Okay guys, Tricker or Treater will be starting right now and I'll be sending out PMs with instructions!

The teams have been decided! They are...

  • batmann64
  • NintenDan
  • Kirby_Z
  • Mr. X
  • Lord Regal
  • Moclon
  • Fillfall
  • Midna
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oh no were against moclon when moclon tricking someone is going to get hurt
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