TV shows that were cancelled that should not have been?


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We all have those TV shows that we get into and love watching and then all of a sudden then get axed with some lame excuse from the creators of "It was not getting enough views" ever experienced that? I know I have!

A TV show that I used to watch, still do watch the repeats called Lie To Me was axed after 3 seasons with that exact excuse that they were not getting enough views to warrant it staying. I personally think and many others I have spoken to who liked the show also think that it was axed way before it should have been as there was still so much that could have been done.

Have you ever had a TV show axed that you enjoyed watching?
Buffy the Vampire slayer and Angel top the list for me, both ended on HUGE cliffhangers and could have easily been continued.
hissae2 said:
Lie To Me was amazing, so sad it got cancelled. D:

Also.. warehouse 13
I agree it was sad to see it get cancelled. I remember watching all of Season 3 and in that season both Lightman and Foster started to get really close and I personally feel that something would have eventually happened between them in this which would have led to so much more in future seasons. 
TERRA NOVA. I'm telling you when that show came on it brightened my year! I had something to look forward to.
I enjoyed Lie to Me (got kinda lost during season 2 and never finished it though...)

Though I miss Almost Human. That was an interesting show... Human cop teams up with Android cop to stop high tech crime. And they ended without ever dealing with what was beyond the wall.

Beyond that I wanted them to continue with:
- Blade (Spike TV version)
- Reaper
- Heroes (There was talk of reviving this though... So that may yet happen.)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a good show that I felt should not have been canceled. However today Fox says that the show wasn't getting good ratings.
AidsorHIV said:
TERRA NOVA. I'm telling you when that show came on it brightened my year! I had something to look forward to.
It was so good wasn't it! Really unique. Shame production costs were way too high.
One of my more recent discoveries on Netflix was cancelled, it's called The Secret Circle. The story line of this show is actually pretty awesome and I love it. I could have seen it going much further. :( But it ended when Vampire Diaries took over I think lol. Like someone else said Warehouse 13 definitely did not need to end! 
I don't think i've ever had an interest in a Television show that was eventually cancelled, most of the series I have watched have ended on a good note. Where producers just agreed, the series should be done. I do watch Supernatural and they are now on their 10TH !! Season and I am afraid they'll have the wire cut on them soon.
Supernatural. I love this series as I am totally into horror.I was totally shocked when I heard this series cancellation news.

But it seems like they've picked up this TV series again :grin: