Uninstalling Facebook will save up 20% of your Android battery life.


Well-Known Member
Shockingly, right? Well, I'm sure it's not shocking for a lot of people. The Android Facebook app is really pretty, functions great and has a lot of features but... it's a big battery and data hog, no matter how much you use it. Just a simple scroll throughout your feed or a search can eat up a couple of MB of your data.
With great power comes... great battery usage. It's been reported that users got 20% more battery when they uninstalled their Facebook app. I'm not sure how many people would give up Facebook on their phones though.
There are other options on the market such as Tinfoil for Facebook that is basically the site on the browser. If you can't live without Facebook on your phone I guess that's something.
I think some of the people who got back 20% of their battery life may of got it back because they are using their phone less often because fewer people are messaging them on Facebook, and they are using their phone less because it no longer has Facebook on it, so there is less to check.

There is Facebook Lite for Facebook which is designed for low-end Android smartphones which may use less battery life.

I think using 20% battery life is not a big deal these days for people who have easy access to electricity because they can charge their phone at work, at a restaurant/cafe, school, home, or their car if they has a USB adapter made for phone charging in cars.

There are also battery power chargers which hold enough electricity to fully charge a phone many times before the battery in the charger needs to be charge itself.

Newer phones sometimes have batteries which last very long where you can use it for most of the day until you need to charge it.

But, being disconnected to your friends maybe a problem if you need to contact them quickly when their phone is out of battery life, or off. Facebook maybe one of the only ways to contact people if you don't know their e-mail, and other social networking accounts. Some people also take a long time to reply to e-mail unlike a Facebook chat message where they may reply to the message sooner.
I also used to have Facebook/Messenger installed on my phone. Noticed my battery would always die pretty quick. When I uninstalled those apps I did see a drastic difference. Now I just occasionally use Facebook on my computer. No need for it on my phone.
I tend to now use the mobile website for quick checks. There was actually a noticeable improvement in my phone's performance after uninstalling facebook. I have a Nexus 6 and I definitely noticed a boost in battery life. I didn't really use the facebook app much before uninstalling, as I would use it on my computer instead most of the time, aside from messenger.

Overall, I'd say it's worth uninstalling if you already don't use it much. If you do use it a lot, it may not be worth the slight inconvenience.
If you look at a lot of the apps available these days, you'll find that they are quite energy intensive and they do take a lot out of your battery. If you deleted them all then you'd find that your battery will last a lot longer, but what's the point in having a smartphone with a battery that lasts all day and night, but you can't use some of the apps and functions you want.

I think if you use apps such as the Facebook app, then you just have to come to terms with the fact that it's going to eat away at your battery life, but if you're one of the ones that's addicted to Facebook and social media, it's a small price to pay and you'll be happy enough to use the app but also realise that you on't get a full day of use on the one charge.
Wow....I didn't know this but it would certainly reduce the time we spent on FB and even though I am not a fan of FB even I know how it is with people, who cares too much about it.