Upgraded my site to HTTPS


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Full GL Member

I upgraded my site: kodibeginner from HTTP to HTTPS

Now my site is much more secure and also HTTPS sites have higher ranking in Google.

Excellent milestone for me :grin:
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I hear that some versions of Chrome is starting to redirect people to HTTPS even if the site doesn't support HTTPS yet.
I hear that some versions of Chrome is starting to redirect people to HTTPS even if the site doesn't support HTTPS yet.

This is impossible. If the site doesn't support HTTPS you will get 404 page not found error.
Chrome will soon show "Not secure" for HTTP sites which will be very bad for those sites owners.
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Oh hey, someone else using Let's Encrypt. Very handy tool that!
This is really a very good news!
Way to go! I use cloudflare and it does offer free SSL certificate.
This is impossible. If the site doesn't support HTTPS you will get 404 page not found error.
Chrome will soon show "Not secure" for HTTP sites which will be very bad for those sites owners.
404 error = page not found.
If site doesn't support HTTPS, it gives security warning.

Oh hey, someone else using Let's Encrypt. Very handy tool that!
I used to buy Comodo certificate in the past, but process always took really long, verification was often sent to non-existing email address, etc., so I now use Let's Encrypt (more specifically Certbot) instead.

For new certificate:
certbot --nginx certonly -d domain.tld -d www.domain.tld

For renew:
certbot renew

This simple!