Valve Announces ''Big Picture'' Mode to play Steam games on TV and controller like a console


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Monday Valve Software said that it will be adding a "Big Picture" mode to Steam at a later date. This new feature will offer controller support and navigation designed for televisions, allowing Steam gamers to enjoy their library "on more screens throughout the house." Valve said that more will be revealed during the Game Developers Conference this week in San Francisco.

"Our partners and customers have asked us to make Steam available in more places. With the introduction of Steam on the Mac, and soon in Portal 2 on the PS3T, we've done just that," said Doug Lombardi, VP of marketing for Valve. "With big picture mode, gaming opportunities for Steam partners and customers become possible via PCs and Macs on any TV or computer display in the house."

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Cool, this sounds is good for people who want to play PC Valve Steam game with a controller on a TV like a game console instead of buying multiple versions of the same game.
YES. Some games suck with mouse and key, plus my TV screen is far bigger than my computer screen.
I think this would be great for people who play First or Third person Shooter, Racing, Action& Adventure, Fighting, and other fast pace games the most since the keyboard have too many keys which increases the chances of hitting the wrong button, and if you pick up your mouse accidentally it won't work.
Skyrim is a nuisance on the PC, but something like Call of Duty is better because of the precision aiming. Something that I absolutely hate on the consoles is Minecraft. The 360 version is unplayable because the controls are awful with a standard console controller.
Sneaky valve, this is their way of entering the console market.
Indeed, this is Valve way of entering consoles, and they do not need to design, build, or advertise their own console since Valve's steam runs on Windows, Mac, and soon Linux PCs.

They also might enter the Apple TV, Google TV, and Cable Boxes market if Valve sells paid music, sitcoms, and movies from their steam service someday.