Video Game Fans online that annoy you?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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What types of video game fans on forums and the like annoy you and why? For me...

1. The 'it wasn't that good anyway' sour grapes fans

You know the ones. The people who act like everything Rare has done is somehow 'overrated' or 'bad' because they got bought out by Microsoft. Or those on certain news sites who simply called the likes of Skyrim crap because the developer didn't like the Wii U and had no plans to make games for it. Or for a non Nintendo example, people bashing the likes of Bayonetta and Platinum games because Nintendo dared sponsor a sequel and have it as a Wii U exclusive...

Get over it. Companies who don't make games for your favoured system (Nintendo or otherwise) can also make great games. As can companies who 'turned on your idol' or decided on an exclusivity deal with a competitor. You don't need to act like everything by the 'enemy' is subpar to make yourselves feel better.

2. Developer/company worshippers

Another type of video game fan I don't like is the 'can do no wrong' developer/company worshippers.

Also known as just 'fanboys', these types have a tendency to rationalise even the worst decisions by any company or developer as if they're somehow for the betterment of society. Nintendo has friend codes? Why that's a great online system because who cares for making friends online anyway! Microsoft has super restrictive DRM for the Xbox One (prior to the recent turn around)? Why I really think this is the next step forward for gaming, and I love having all my rights removed in exchange for a shiny box under my TV! Or even the people who go around acting like Miyamoto is the second coming of the Messiah and that even the likes of Paper Mario Sticker Star and New Super Mario Bros 2 are classics beyond anything else on the market! Yeah, those people sadly exist too and are willing to throw every 'unique' Mario game (like Mario & Luigi Dream Team and Luigi's Mansion 2) under the bus because they can't accept their idol messed up a few times.

Developers are human. Companies are falliable. Everyone makes mistakes. Please accept that.

3. Nostalgia Fanatics

You know, like Cranky Kong in the Donkey Kong Country series. They tend to go on about how video games were 'better in their day' and act like every single game released in the last 10 years is somehow both 100 times worse and 100 times easier than every game released before then.

Oh, and many of them completely ignore how easy or even sometimes bland many of the earliest games actually were (even for the time), talking about stuff like Super Mario World and Super Mario 64's boss battles as 'epic' or 'dangerous' and acting like any optional 'help' is somehow a sin that gaming should repent from (see, any games with Super Guides).

The games industry may not be doing as well as it once was, but that doesn't mean that everything's in terminal decline compared to the 'good old days'. Move on please.

4. People who want remakes/HD rereleases of absolutely everything

Especially in the Zelda fandom, where apparently you've got people even seriously talking about a freaking Skyward Sword remake/rerelease for Wii U.

Yeah, because a game released just two years ago really needs to be rereleased in HD and sold for sixty dollars again. And because hey, may as well have not only a Wind Waker HD, but also a Majora's Mask 3D, Twilight Princess HD and Skyward Sword HD as well!

And it's not just Zelda fans. Nope, seems like a significant amount of Nintendo fans seem to want the entire damn Gamecube and Wii library ported to the Wii U and redone with HD graphics. Because Super Mario Sunshine, Galaxy and Galaxy 2 all need a remake already...

5. Culture Posers

Yeah, no more explanation needed here. Always disliked the types of fans/gamers/whoever that immediately think anything Japanese is better than anything from the 'West', or vice versa.

6. Armchair Analysts

Finally, I have to say I'm getting rather sick of how many people seem to have decided that the only important thing in the world is how much a game or system sells. As if sales literally dictate exactly how good something is on some objective level.

Please just enjoy games for what they are. You don't all need to be Sean Malstrom style wannabe businessmen, and it'd be nice if people would just stop going on about stuff like how 'doomed' everything else.

So what types of fans online annoy you?
The only types of video game fans I hate is judging a game from what they think it is, rather then either watching someone play it, or even playing it them-self.

Like those people who are like "l0l, legend of zelda is for little kids, i play cod", etc.

I also hate people who only focus on graphics. Not the story, not the character design, not the map design.. just.. the graphics. Probably because I, myself, don't obsess over graphics unless they're extremely bad.
Platform fanboys.

"I lurv Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft can be "mature", I'll just stick with my fun games!"

"I lurv Sony, Nintendo is 4 babies and 360 is just for shootan gaems"

"I lurv Microsoft, Nintendon't interest me and PS3 is 4 watching blu rays"

So basically anybody that bashes a console or handheld. They are all great. I had a PSP, DS, Wii, 360, PS3, and a gaming PC last gen and I found games on each one that were a complete blast to play.