Video Game Future Looks Annoying


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A recently unearthed patent filed by Sony may indicate the future of in-game advertising… and the future looks pretty annoying.

The patent, dug up by an intrepid user of the NeoGaf forum, indicates that someone at Sony is at least considering the idea of adding interrupting advertisements to games, so rather than just the occasional out-of-place billboard, games may literally make you wait through a commercial in order to play.

According to the patent, the idea is that you'd get an in-game warning that an ad was coming. Everything would slow down, and then you'd watch a commercial, in the example, it would be a commercial for "Best Brand Soda" which is a favorite at the Johnson house.

When/if this technology will be inserted into games remains to be seen, but I could see it "working" in free-to-play games. Advertisers would love having the "captive" audience, and gamers would love the free games. Of course, if these commercials are inserted into a game that I paid for, there's going to be a fight.


no, just no.
I think this only work for freeware games where people play for free, and everything in the game including DLC is free.
Apparently Sony already pulled a stunt like this with Wipeout HD.

Gamers bought Ad-free versions of the game then suddenly they got ads in the game at the loading screens. (Which slowed down the game, making players wait almost twice as long before they could play because the ad had to finish before the game would continue.) Players hated it and the ads got removed.

So now if they tried pulling this sort of stunt in the middle of a game of like MW4 or something, I think there would be huge revolts. I'd be extremely pissed off if I were playing like Bayonetta 2 (offline) and all of a sudden the game stopped so they could play an ad. Doing that completely breaks the flow of play, and is extremely distracting and invasive. Plus I'd be upset because I already paid for the game and yet now I'm watching an ad so the company can earn even more money? I'd feel like I was getting used.

If this were incorporated into a free to play game, I still would be pissed off since it's pretty invasive and obnoxious, but a little less annoyed given that I never paid anything to play the game. But that stated, I still think there are better ways to incorporate ads for free to play games without affecting the end user. Make billboards (or like a wall in the game/level) in the game rentable by others. Make slots in the online match loading screens for static advertisements (like a 728x90 banner at the bottom or top of the screen. Or interworked in the loading screen like: "This match brought to you by: " or some other ad. ) But whatever ad method they have to use, it has to be seamlessly integrated and not interrupt the gaming session.
Apparently Sony already pulled a stunt like this with Wipeout HD.

Gamers bought Ad-free versions of the game then suddenly they got ads in the game at the loading screens. (Which slowed down the game, making players wait almost twice as long before they could play because the ad had to finish before the game would continue.) Players hated it and the ads got removed.

So now if they tried pulling this sort of stunt in the middle of a game of like MW4 or something, I think there would be huge revolts. I'd be extremely pissed off if I were playing like Bayonetta 2 (offline) and all of a sudden the game stopped so they could play an ad. Doing that completely breaks the flow of play, and is extremely distracting and invasive. Plus I'd be upset because I already paid for the game and yet now I'm watching an ad so the company can earn even more money? I'd feel like I was getting used.

If this were incorporated into a free to play game, I still would be pissed off since it's pretty invasive and obnoxious, but a little less annoyed given that I never paid anything to play the game. But that stated, I still think there are better ways to incorporate ads for free to play games without affecting the end user. Make billboards (or like a wall in the game/level) in the game rentable by others. Make slots in the online match loading screens for static advertisements (like a 728x90 banner at the bottom or top of the screen. Or interworked in the loading screen like: "This match brought to you by: " or some other ad. ) But whatever ad method they have to use, it has to be seamlessly integrated and not interrupt the gaming session.
Oh really, thats gotta cost them some loyal fans & customers... XDDD
Honestly, I wouldn't mind having these types of ads in free games since they should be at least obtaining revenue somehow. But if they were placed in games that were purchased, people would surely be extremely angry.
You would be killing your business based off greed, if they pulled such a stunt.

I don't see ads being included in paid games. The outrage from consumers would be enough to make them pull out, immediately. Just not a smart business decision in the long haul.
If they ever put this, goodbye gaming. But I think they NEVER look at the consequences. You'll obviously lose players, then even more problems with people hacking it to not show ads. Xbox 360 is going to have IE, I am sure someone will find a way to implement a ad blocker? lol. It's also the same with that stupid crap about used games not working on newer consoles. Honestly, used games DID make you money(because someone had to buy it first), me buying a used game I LIKED gives the company a new fan(and to buy future games by the company). It's just a way to make more money for the crappy games that put them in the hole at full retail.
I'm with VirusZero on this one. Such an advertising stunt would be too invasive, even for a free-to-play game. At most, I could tolerate some sporadic, static ads. But that's it.
It wouldn't surprise me if they did put ads in games. They already have them on mobile phones. When you go to certain sites you're greeted with an ad in your face. Advertisers are always thinking up some type of plan to get customers. I don't like this idea at all because I don't want to be interrupted while I'm gaming. They put commercials on TV, and now they found their way into the video game world. I'm not happy about this at all.