Video Game Future Looks Annoying

These ads would not be in paid for games, they would be in F2P brower games and/or downloaded games that happened to be free. Honestly as nothing is free I can't quite find it in me to be pissed.
I certainly hope they do not plan on doing this to games that I pay for. A free-to-play game is fine, they have to make money somehow to keep the games going and advertisements are a great way to do that. But when I've already paid for a game then that means they already got money for the game which means they do not need to shove an ad in my face in order to try to make more money.
They haven't used that old patent after all this time, I don't see myself working about that now with it being 6 years later and all that. That could just be them patenting the idea so that should anyone else tries it they can cash in on them or sue them.

If anything though, the future of video games looks expensive lol
OMG that seems such a bad idea. I hope this doesn't become reality. Imagine playing an intense session of CoD killing enermies and pop comes an ad prompting you to buy latest invention which you don't want or need. The guy who came up with the idea should be fired from the company.